Coronavirus today, Covid newsletter October 18. Brands news and data – Chronicle


Coronavirus, Covid newsletter expected on October 18 (Imagoeconomica file photo)
Coronavirus, the Covid newsletter is expected on October 18 (Imagoeconomica file photo)

Ancona, October 18, 2020 – In the last 24 hours the positives in COVID-19 in Market: 121 of the 1,221 new diagnoses made (9.9%). In the morning the Region will issue the Coronavirus bulletin today, October 18. We will give you a real-time account by updating this article.

Covid returns to cause deaths

Coronavirus emergency, after several weeks without deaths, Covid-19 returns to cause deaths in Marche. am 3 the victimstwo of them in the district hospital of Torrette. They are a 71-year-old from Arquata del Tronto (Ap) and a 93-year-old man from Jesi, both with previous pathologies. The third victim occurred at the Fermo hospital, an 80-year-old man from the province of Reggio Emilia. The death toll since the beginning of last March has risen to 985.

Positive a surgeon from Torrette

On the contagion front, a surgeon on call at the hospital Turrets tested positive. The event dates back to a few days ago, the renowned professional had revealed mild symptoms and after undergoing a nasopharyngeal smear his positivity emerged. We are talking about a doctor who for years has been part of the staff of one of the operating units of the surgery service, also active abroad with other health initiatives.

Considered the protocol Since the Torrette hospital has been given, no quarantine has been arranged for the staff who worked closely with it, who, on the contrary, will be subjected to so many controls. Going to the emergency room, the positivity of two social and health workers emerged, also forced to quarantine. Both the surgeon and the two Oss reside in the province of Ancona.

Covid, the other news today

What are they talking about in the rest of the world. Covid at the bottom of the page (and sometimes disappears)

Curfew, gyms and hair salons. All field hypotheses for the new Dpcm

Coronavirus, France record: more than 32 thousand cases. Germany, Merkel: “Stay home”
