Bologna, October 17, 2020 – A progression of one hundred cases of Coronavirus more than the growth of the previous day. The figures from the Emilia Romagna newsletter are not positive, as the new nightlife restriction approaches, necessary in light of the 10,925 new infections in Italy with 47 victims.
Now there are 641 new patients with covid in Emilia Romagna, respect up to 544 from yesterday. There are also five victims, all men: 2 in Parma (87 and 62 years old), 2 in Modena (87 and 95 years old), 1 in Rimini (67 years old). The number of gods is always high tampons reported: 13,313 in addition to 3,110 serological tests. There percentage positive on all swabs processed sell a 4.81%. me active cases they are 8,649 (616 more than those registered yesterday).
The coronavirus bulletin in Italy: today’s figures
themiddle age new patients (42.5 years) and hospitalizations in covid wards are also increasing: 65 patients are now in intensive care (+4 compared to yesterday) and 427 (+23 again since yesterday) those hospitalized in the other wards. And indeed, of the 641 new cases, only 282 are asymptomatic (about 44%). People in isolation at home there are 8,157 (+589 compared to yesterday), more than 95% of active cases. People heal They amount to 27,175 (+20 compared to yesterday).
This is the situation in the provinces: Bologna (153), Modena (81), Reggio emilia (74), Ferrara (71), Rimini (67), Piacenza (53), Parma (42), Ravenna (27). Then Forlì (38), Cesena (23) e Imola (12).
The contagion map
Here’s how today’s 641 new cases are divided: 5,599 to Piacenza (+53, of which 26 symptomatic), 4,760 to Parma (+42, of which 31 symptomatic), 6,386 to Reggio emilia (+74, of which 54 symptomatic), 5,613 years Modena (+81, of which 44 symptomatic), 7,294 years Bologna (+153), 82 of which are symptomatic); 658 cases a Imola (+12, of which 11 symptomatic), 1,806 to Ferrara (+71 of which 33 symptomatic); 2012 to Ravenna (+27, of which 12 symptomatic), 1,748 to Forlì (+38, of which 29 symptomatic), 1,335 to Cesena (+23, of which 18 symptomatic) and 3,122 to Rimini (+67, of which 19 symptomatic).
Intensive therapy
In the territory, the 65 people hospitalized in intensive care are distributed as follows: 9 a Piacenza (+4 compared to yesterday), 5 to Parma (stable compared to yesterday), 2nd Reggio emilia (stable compared to yesterday), 7 a Modena (+1 compared to yesterday), 28 years old Bologna (1 more than yesterday); 1st Imola (+1 from yesterday), 2nd Ferrara (1 less than yesterday); 3rd Ravenna (stable compared to yesterday), 2nd Forlì (1 less than yesterday), 2nd Cesena (number unchanged compared to yesterday) and 4 aRimini (no change since yesterday).
Case boom in Bologna
A Bologna and province, in 153 new positives, 82 symptomatic and 71 asymptomatic. The 71 asymptomatic patients were identified: 28 by contact tracing, 9 with tests by category, 3 with prehospital tests, for 31 the epidemiological investigation is still ongoing. Of the total of 153 cases, 46 are attributable to outbreaks and 107 sporadic.
Imola is also bad
In Imola District Sign up today 12 new cases, of which 1 asymptomatic. 6 are contacts of already verified cases (of which 2 in the workplace and 1 in the school environment), 1 is a health worker and 5 are sporadic cases,
Family infections in Modena
In the province of Modena, his 81 new positives – of which 37 asymptomatic – 2 have returned from abroad (Romania and Spain), 40 are contacts of known cases linked to different family outbreaks, 10 are positive for screening by professional categories and in the school setting, the latter related to known contacts, 1 patient tested positive by smear prior to admission and 28 are sporadic cases.
Sporadic cases in Reggio
A Reggio emilia, his 74 new positive cases, of which 20 are asymptomatic, 29 are attributable to family outbreaks, 44 are classified as sporadic and 1 is a case of return from abroad (Tunisia).
In the province of Ferrara me 71 positives, of which 38 asymptomatic, are divided as follows: 23 new infections from contacts of known cases, all attributable to family or school outbreaks; 10 people subjected to smear for symptoms at the request of the GP; 6 hospitalized for symptoms; 21 Cra guests in isolation in the facilities, of which 19 asymptomatic; 4 returns from trips abroad (2 Great Britain, 1 United Arab Emirates, 1 Ukraine). 3 swabs were made for screening prior to admission, 3 cases referred to Cra operators, of which 1 symptomatic and 2 asymptomatic; Finally, 1 is a guest of a community age accommodation.
Rimini, contagions by contact
A Rimini and province have been registered 67 cases, of which 48 asymptomatic. 13 are sporadic patients, identified by symptoms; 41 due to contact with certain cases, mostly family members, 12 due to professional examinations and 1 due to return from abroad (Albania).
Follow up contacts in Piacenza
A Piacenza and the province are 53, of which 27 asymptomatic. In detail: 25 were identified by contact tracing, 10 by family doctors, 3 by surveillance in the workplace and 3 by tests carried out in a private laboratory; 1 case was identified by access to the emergency room and 2 by pre-hospital tests; 2 in a school setting and 2 in a Cra (one guest and one employee). Finally, 4 cases are returning from foreign countries (Morocco, Macedonia, Holland) and an epidemiological investigation is being carried out for 1.
Outbreaks in Parma
42 new cases in the province of Parma. 11 asymptomatic, of which: 4 identified with contact tracing, 4 with tests by category, 1 with prehospital tests, epidemiological investigation is being carried out for 2. In general, 24 cases are attributable to known outbreaks and 18 are considered sporadic.
Report of doctors in Forlì
A Forlì Check in 38 cases, of which 9 asymptomatic. 16 were positive by contact with positive, known outbreaks; 8 for contacts with positive family members; 11 per swab requested by the family doctor 2 per swab performed in a private laboratory; 1 case is a return from abroad (Morocco).
27 the new positive cases to Ravenna and province, of which 15 asymptomatic. In detail: 8 are sporadic patients due to symptoms (one of them returns from France); 11 were identified thanks to contact tracing, most of them relatives of positive people; 2 for voluntary swabbing after a stay in another region, 1 for professional screening and 5 after returning from abroad (2 Tunisia, 1 Senegal, 1 Moldova, 1 Macedonia).
A Cesena have been registered 2. 3 cases, of which 5 asymptomatic. 14 identified by contact tracing, by contact with cases already verified, mainly in the family and sports fields; 7 due to symptoms and 2 due to return from abroad (Spain and Morocco).
New ordinance of the Emilia Romagna region
Food and beverage administration activities to the public, and catering, allowed only from 6 in the morning to midnight with consumption at the table. And from 6 in the morning until 9 in the absence of consumption at the table. In addition, the consumption in the place or near the point of sale of food and drinks of to carry out prohibited after 9pm and until 6am the next day (while the sale can be made without a time limit). This is what is specified in an ordinance signed by the president of the Region Stefano Bonaccini, which recognizes the provisions of the Decree of the Prime Minister of October 13, a national decree that requires the closure of the aforementioned activities at midnight or 21 , and the cessation of food consumption. take away drinks, without affecting the card the resumption of the same activities in the following minutes or hours.
The regional ordinance instead, exclude this possibility. The provision is valid in Emilia-Romagna from today October 17 until November 13 (date until which the Dpcm will remain in force). The measures contained therein do not apply to companies located along highways, in ports and merchandise terminals.
Stefano Bonaccini participated today in the civil protection summit between the government and the Conference of the Regions, of which he is president. There has been talk of what measures to include in the arrival of the new Dpcm, which will provide new squeezes to contain the second wave of the pandemic. Bonaccini said he was in favor of introducing distance learning for high school students, especially those attending later years, and also of increasing the use of smart work. But the president asked the government not to foresee a general closure of gyms and swimming pools, considering “at least the teams, which can comply with the new protocols “
Yesterday in Italy the 10 thousand contagion: 10,010 (2,419 in Lombardy). The dead were 55. Patients with symptoms 6,178 (+382), intensive care 638 (+52). Swabs were down to 150,377 swabs, 12,000 fewer than Thursday. the currently positive 107,312.
Covid, the other news today
The vaccine professor: out of Covid in 2021. “Serum and antibodies, this is how we will save ourselves”
“But enough is enough, we talk too much about Covid.” La j’accuse by Massimo Fini
Coronavirus, almost 8,000 infections in Germany. Austria, positive minister
News from the region
New Dpcm, Bonaccini “No to the closure of gyms and swimming pools”
Bologna, an increase in cases. You also get infected on buses
Forlì, no more visits to nursing homes
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