Coronavirus today, Covid newsletter October 14. High infections, 4 deaths in Emilia Romagna


Bologna, October 14, 2020 – Others four dead and I’m still high contagion gives COVID-19 in Emilia Romagna. If yesterday had been 341, the Coronavirus bulletin today, October 14, Talk about 339 new positives (2.17% of the processed evidence), discovered, however, thanks to about 2 thousand tampons more than the day before: 15,607, a record number in addition to 2,855 serological tests. The number of people who have contracted the virus since the beginning of the epidemic therefore rises to a height 38,695 .

Focus The pandemic in Italy, numbers and table

The new ones coronavirus cases in Italy in the last 24 hours there are 7,332, detected on the basis of 152,196 swabs (4.8%), 43 the deceased. The total number of deaths since the beginning of the emergency is 36,289. Always in the last 24 hours the patients healed / discharged there were 2,037. On the other hand, 539 patients are hospitalized in intensive care.

Yesterday new infections in 24 hours were 5,901, out of 112,544 swabs (5.2%), while victims he was 41 years old.

These are the data that emerge from the regular bulletin issued by the Ministry of Health. To date i total cases there are 372,799. At the moment, the positives in Italy are 92,445 (+5,252), 86,436 (+4,833) are people in home isolation, while hospitalized there are 5,470 (+394), 539 of which in intensive care (+25 compared to yesterday). The region most affected by Covid-19 on the last day is the Lombardy with 1,844 new cases, followed by Campania with 818 and Veneto (657). The regions with the least infections are Basilicata (9 cases) and Molise (18): there are no Covid-free regions.

The virus in the regions: the table

The virus in Emilia Romagna

Unfortunately, they are logged 4 new deaths: one in the province of Bologna (a 91-year-old woman), one in Ferrara (an 83-year-old man), one in Imola (a 82-year-old man) and one in the province of Modena (a 66-year-old man). Therefore, the total number is 4,502.

The control and prevention activity continues: a total of 122 people (among the new positives) were already in isolation at the time of the swab execution and 162 were identified in the context of already known outbreaks.

L ‘middle age of the new positives today is 44.2 years.

Sui 160 asymptomatic83 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 19 through tests by risk categories introduced by the Region, 18 with serological screening, and 7 with pre-hospital tests. In 33 cases, the reason for the swab is being verified.

Regarding the situation in the Province, the highest numbers are recorded in those of Bologna (69), Reggio Emilia (57), Rimini (50), Modena (49), Parma (30), Ferrara (30), Piacenza (17), in Cesena (12), Ravenna (10).

In Bologna there are 69 new cases. Among the 39 symptomatic, 16 are considered sporadic and 23 attributable to identified outbreaks (mainly family, friends or by frequency of public places). One case is imported from abroad (Morocco). Of the 30 asymptomatic cases, 10 are sporadic and 20 due to outbreaks (family members, in social health centers and pub dinners).

Reggio Emilia, the virus at home

In the province of Reggio Emilia, of 57 new positive cases – of which 11 asymptomatic – 30 are attributable to family outbreaks, 3 to work outbreaks and 2 to friendly outbreaks; 21 are considered sporadic, 1 case is imported from Albania.

Rimini, 39 contacts with certain cases

50 new cases in the province of Rimini, of which 29 asymptomatic. In detail: 39 are contacts with certain cases, most of which are family members and already in isolation at the time of diagnosis; 8 are sporadic patients identified by symptoms; 2 identified with the pre-admission test, to which a person who has returned from abroad (Moldova) is added.

Modena, 22 asymptomatic

In the province of Modena there are 49 new positives, of which 22 are asymptomatic. In detail: 3 have returned from abroad (Ukraine, Russia, Romania) and 2 from other regions, 32 (of which 5 in Cra) are contacts of known cases, linked to several outbreaks, also already isolated; 3 were positive in the screening carried out at school and after the pre-admission swab; finally, 8 are sporadic cases for which epidemiological investigations are being carried out.

Parma, 9 cases of tracking

Of the 30 new cases in Parma and its province, of which 10 asymptomatic, 9 were detected as part of contact tracing, 6 after detection in certain categories (including schools and Cra), 7 as symptomatic patients. 4 people tested positive upon returning from abroad, one of whom came from Portugal and 3 from Albania. Finally, 3 were positive with the tests carried out in the prehospital setting and one on admission.

Ferrara, only 8 have symptoms

In the province of Ferrara, 30 positives, of which 22 asymptomatic: 2 have been identified as contacts of known cases (attributable to a school outbreak and a friend); 2 are patients hospitalized for Covid symptoms, 3 identified because they had experienced symptoms and 2 after a swab performed for the detection of people providing care in the hospital. Finally, 6 are operators (of which 1 symptomatic) and 15 guests (all asymptomatic) from Cra.

Piacenza, 17 positives

In the province of Piacenza there are 17 new positives, of which 8 asymptomatic: 5 identified with contact tracing, 3 because they had developed symptoms, 1 due to access to the emergency room, 2 due to screening carried out in health workers, 2 related to a guest and an employee of a Cra, 1 identified with pre-hospital tests and 1 by spontaneous access to a private laboratory. Finally, one person had returned from abroad (Egypt) and another had gone abroad.

Cesena, a positive return from abroad

In Cesena there are 12 new cases, 4 of which are asymptomatic. Seven were identified with contact tracing in already confirmed cases, mainly in family and friends; 2 for symptoms and 2 for voluntary tests carried out in the workplace; 1 case is back from abroad (France).

Ravenna, 5 sporadic cases

In Ravenna and its province, 10 new cases have been registered, of which 4 are asymptomatic. 5 are sporadic patients who had experienced symptoms, 2 of whom had contacts outside the region; 3 cases were identified by contact tracing, one of which returned from another region and 1 by voluntary swabbing.

The contagion map

New cases of positivity, which refer to the province in which the diagnosis was made, are distributed as follows at the provincial level: 5,437 in Piacenza (+17, of which 9 symptomatic), 4,625 in Parma (+30 , of which 20 symptomatic), 6,178 in Reggio Emilia (+57, of which 46 symptomatic), 5,411 in Modena (+49, of which 27 symptomatic), 6,962 in Bologna (+69, of which 24 symptomatic) ; 626 cases in Imola (+6, of which 4 symptomatic), 1,656 in Ferrara (+30, of which 8 symptomatic); 1,944 in Ravenna (+10, of which 6 symptomatic), 1,640 in Forlì (+9, of which 7 symptomatic), 1,271 in Cesena (+12, of which 8 symptomatic) and 2,945 in Rimini (+50, of of which 20 are symptomatic).

Hospitalizations and actual sickness are on the rise

me active casesIn other words, the number of real patients, to date, is 7,148 (272 more than those registered yesterday).

People in isolate the house, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital care or are asymptomatic, are a total of 6,730 (+208 compared to yesterday), more than 95% of active cases. There are 35 patients in intensive care (+4 compared to yesterday) and 383 (+60) the hospitalized in the other Covid departments.

People as a whole heal They amount to 27,045 (+63 compared to yesterday): 7 “clinically cured”, that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 27,038 those declared totally cured because they were negative in two consecutive tests.

Deepening Data from the Regions MarketVenetoLombardyTuscany

Former Commissioner Venturi: “We forgot the distance”

“This is what we have forgotten: distancing,” the former commissioner for the coronavirus emergency in Emilia Romagna writes on social networks Sergio Venturi, commenting the increase in cases. “Nothing has changed, we are
changed us and we are inattentive. We are overcrowded in all places and it is not good ”, underlines the former Regional Minister of Health.

“Right now that we are in the last mile before the arrival of monoclonal antibodies me vaccinations. We are at least a meter, a meter and a half with the mask. Is it that hard to remember? Good life everyone. “

Covid crisis, the Region buys works of art to support the sector

Support artistic creativity in Emilia-Romagna, in an emergency phase of great criticality for the sector, through the acquisition of works of art.
made in particular by Young people operating in Emilia-Romagna. It is the idea of ​​Region that aims to Acquire works to add to your collection.. Three-quarters of the purchase prizes will be reserved for artists who have not reached the age of 40.

By 2020, 36 purchase prizes will be awarded through the announcement., for an amount of 4,950 euros each, net of legal taxes. For the selection of artists, the Board appointed a jury made up of three experts: Gloria Bartoli, Artistic Deputy Director of Arte Fiera, Walter Guadagnini, Professor of History of Contemporary Art and Photography at the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna and Marco Pierini, Director from the National Gallery of Umbria.
“This measure – explains the regional councilor for Culture, Mauro Felicori – It enriches a set of measures already taken in favor of the artists of the region: Viralissima, the concerts for the Invisibles, the financing of twelve theater and dance productions, the extraordinary support for audiovisual productions; to be completed with contributions to the next creative companies “. Applications can be submitted from October 19 to November 3.


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By Emilia Romagna

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