Bologna, October 13, 2020 – Strong recommendation for use More expensive even at home, in the presence of non-partners; closing of the premises at midnight; parties in private homes not recommended if participants exceed 6 units: these are some of the measures contained in the new Dpcm of October 13, 2020. Besides the rules, then, there are the numbers of this emergency: I’m stable Coronavirus contagion in Emilia Romagna: today 341 in more than 13,300 tampons (yesterday was 337, but more than 6,600 tests). Today’s newsletter from the Region also notes two victims, an 82-year-old man from the province of Bologna and one from Ferrara (79 years old).
In the region, the pressure on hospitals is on the rise, but still a long way from the emergency peak recorded in early April, when he was hospitalized intensive care They reached 374. There are currently 31 patients in intensive care (+6 compared to yesterday) and 323 (+39) hospitalized in the other Covid wards.
And the outbreaks identified in the nursing homes. Only in the last 24 hours, 45 cases have been identified in two residences in the province of Modena. In Ferrara, are instead 16, 8 guests and 8
operators, cases discovered. Some positivity also emerged in the structures in the Bolognese and Parma areas. In the coming days, the screening will continue to test new contacts, both among guests and staff.
In-depth analysis of the coronavirus figures in Italy: Conte’s press conference after the Dpcm
Since the start of the Covid-19 epidemic, 38,356 positive cases have been registered in the region, 341 more than yesterday. Instead, the total number of deaths rises to 4,498.
Of the 341 new cases, 86 were already in solitary confinement at the time of the swab run, 194 were identified in the context of known outbreaks. Sui 158 asymptomatic102 were identified thanks to the contact tracing activity, 30 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 8 through pre-hospital tests. In 18 cases, the reason for the swab is being checked.
The last infected represent 2.5% of the 13,344 swabs tested (yesterday there were 337 cases, the 5.1% of 6,600 tests).
There are 11 new infections connected to you come from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if they arrive from countries outside the Schengen area and one swab if they return from Greece, Spain, Croatia, Malta and regions of France. On the other hand, there are two positive cases of return from other regions.
The average age of new positives today is 48.9 years.
Graphs: the pandemic trend in the region
The contagion map, the symptomatic province by province
These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 5,420 a Piacenza (+14, of which 10 symptomatic), 4,595 years Parma (+58, of which 33 symptomatic), 6,121 years Reggio emilia (+34, of which 26 symptomatic), 5,362 to Modena (+61, of which 13 symptomatic), 6,893 to Bologna (+69, of which 44 symptomatic); 620 cases a Imola (+2, symptomatic), 1,626 to Ferrara (+30, of which 14 symptomatic); 1934 to Ravenna (+14, of which 8 symptomatic), 1,631 to Forlì (+27, of which 17 symptomatic), 1,259 to Cesena (+6, of which 2 symptomatic) and 2,895 to Rimini (+26, of which 14 symptomatic).
Bologna, especially family shoots
They are registered in Bologna and its province. 69 new cases. In detail, 45 are symptomatic, of which 15 are considered sporadic and 30 attributable to outbreaks (family, in socio-sanitary establishments and by frequency of public places). Two cases have returned from Italian regions (Puglia and Veneto). Of the 24 asymptomatic, 11 were sporadic and 13 were placed in foci. One case is the return from abroad (Moldova).
Modena, most infections in two nursing homes
In the province of Modena there are 61 new positives. Of the total, 50 are contacts of known cases, 45 of which between operators and guests in two nursing homes. Another 7 (including 6 students) tested positive for risk categories and in the school environment. Finally, 4 are sporadic cases.
Parma, the new cases are largely asymptomatic.
Gods 58 new cases in Parma and its province, 17 were identified as symptomatic patients, 13 in the context of contact tracing, 23 after selection in certain categories (including schools and nursing homes); 2 were identified with screening tests prior to admission, 1 with tests in a hospitalized person. One was positive when returning from a foreign country (Moldova) and the last one, finally, from the test carried out on departure abroad.
Reggio Emilia, there is also a school outbreak
In the province of Reggio Emilia, 8 of the 34 new positive cases are classified as sporadic, 19 are attributable to family outbreaks, one to a school outbreak, 3 to friends outbreaks. One is a return from Moldavia, another from Lombardy; finally, a last one emerged after the preoperative test.
Ferrara, the situation today
his 30 new positives in the province of Ferrara, 9 contacts of known cases have been identified (attributable to school and family outbreaks); one is the return from a trip abroad (Ukraine); another emerged after testing for risk categories; 9 presented symptoms (of these, 6 were hospitalized, 3 in home isolation after the swab requested by the doctor); 8 (out of 4 guests and 4 nursing home operators) exited through checkpoints. Finally, two were identified through tests prior to admission.
Forlì, contact tracing is essential
In Forlì they are 27 new cases, of which 11 identified by close contacts with positive people and 8 by contact with positive relatives. One case emerged through the swab performed before entering a hospital ward; 3 after taking the swab at the request of the family doctor for symptoms; another was always positive after the swab done at school; 2 cases after having had the swab in the emergency room due to symptoms; an epidemiological investigation is underway for a final case.
Rimini, how many are infected
Gods 26 new cases in Rimini, 8 are sporadic cases, after the manifestation of symptoms; 16 for contact with certain cases, mostly in the family environment; 2, finally, emerged from professional screening.
Ravenna, five cases of return from abroad
Fourteen new positives in Ravenna and the province, of which 6, defined as sporadic cases, presented symptoms (of these, 2 attended a coexistence event outside the province); one arose after preadmission tests for another pathology; another for family contact tracing; another after voluntarily rubbing. Finally, 5 cases returned from abroad, namely from Tunisia (3), the United Kingdom (1) and Denmark (1).
Piacenza, the numbers for October 13
Gods 14 new positives in the province of Piacenza, 5 were identified through contact tracing; one because he has experienced symptoms; 2 after access to the emergency room; 2 through the workplace assessment; 4 after spontaneous swabbing in a private laboratory.
Swabs and serological tests
me tampons made yesterday are 13,344, for a total of 1,310,995. To these are added 2,959 serological tests.
Active cases, intensive care, cured
Active cases, that’s the number of actual patients, to date there are 6,876 (203 more than those registered yesterday).
People in insulate the house, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, there are a total of 6,522 (+158 compared to yesterday), in addition 95% of active cases.
There are 31 patients in intensive care (+6 compared to yesterday) and 323 (+39) those hospitalized in other Covid departments.
the healed people in general They amount to 26,982 (+133 compared to yesterday): 7 “clinically cured”, that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 26,975 those declared completely cured because they were negative in two consecutive tests.
Covid Italia, today’s data. Regions table
With the resumption of swabs, new positive cases of coronavirus begin to grow again: 5,901 in the last 24 hours (+1,282) with 112,544 tests (+27 thousand). This is what comes out of the newsletter Ministry of Health which also confirms one
death tracking at an altitude of 41 (+2). Those infected currently reach 87,193 (+4,429) with 5,076 hospitalized with symptoms (+255) and 514 in intensive care (+62)
I’m in isolation at home 81,603 patients (+4,112) while they are recovered or was discharged 1,428 people. The region with the most infections is Lombardy with 1,080, followed by Campania (635) and Lazio (579).
The measures adopted in these hours by the Government in the field of health respond to the requests and requirements that the Regions had addressed to the Executive in recent days, especially with regard to the expansion of tests that can be used for a effective and broader prevention action also through products that are already certified by the health authorities of the G7 countries and with regard to the restriction of the expected periods of quarantine and the forecast of single negative buffer to certify the end of the contagion period. “This was stated by the president of the Conference of the Regions, Stefano bonaccini.
“With regard to the Dpcm – explained Bonaccini – the Conference of the Regions has issued an opinion conditioned to some observations already sent to the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, and to the ministers Roberto Speranza and Francesco Boccia. These are – continued Bonaccini – proposals that underline the need to: provide adequate forms of soda for the economic sectors and activities that will be affected by the limitations introduced by the decree; better clarify and detail the areas of the concept of ‘party‘on which some provisions of the provision are based; Verify the planned measures in relation to aspects related to the local public transport, deepening the context scenario “.
“It is clear that having to close the premises at midnight or having to interrupt the administration of beverages at 9 pm” due to lack of table service “will cause some damage. However, within an ascending frame of the epidemiological curve that must concern us all, and within an increase, although contained, of patients also in intensive care, I think it is correct the objective of new limited measures why we cannot afford a general blockade that it would be a sudden transition from a health pandemic to a social and economic pandemic, ”added the governor in the afternoon.
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