Bologna, November 5, 2020 – Pending the entry into force of the rules of new Dpcm, which are activated tomorrow, the data of the today’s newsletter on the diffusion of Coronavirus in Emilia Romagna, soon they will also arrive full updates on the Covid in Italy.
In more 20,300 swabs, in the region were detected 2,180 new positives (yesterday, the percentage of new cases over the number of tampons manufactured is today 10.7% (9.5% yesterday, 8% Tuesday).
the asymptomatic There are 1,156, identified through regional detection and contact tracing activities. More than 97% of active cases has mild symptoms and is isolated at home. The average age of new positives is 44 years. Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, they have been registered in Emilia-Romagna 65,091 cases of positivity.
Today they register 13 victims: 4 in the province of Ferrara (all women, respectively 98, 93, and two of 90 years), 3 in the province of Reggio emilia (all men 94, 89, 79 years old), 3 in the province of Modena (all men of 92, 88 and 79 years old), one in the province of Parma (a 95-year-old woman), a Bologna (a 71-year-old woman), one in Piacenza (a 96-year-old man) There are no deaths in the provinces of Ravenna, Forlì, Cesena and Rimini. Since the beginning of the epidemic, deaths in Emilia-Romagna amounted to 4,712.
Patients admitted to intensive care there are 177 (+16 compared to yesterday), 1,588 those of other Covid departments (+34).
The situation of infections in the provinces is appreciated Bologna with 599 new infected, to follow Modena with 332, then Reggio emilia (262).
The trend of positives in Emilia Romagna
Since the beginning of the outbreak COVID-19, 65,091 positive cases were registered in the region, 2,180 more than yesterday, out of a total of 20,332 swabs performed in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives out of the number of manufactured buffers is now 10.7%.
Of the newly infected, there are 1,156 asymptomatic: 446 were identified thanks to the contact tracing activity, 65 through the tests by risk categories introduced by the Region, 8 through serological screening, 18 through prehospital tests. An epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 619 cases.
Overall, among the new positives, 314 people were already in isolation at the time of swabbing and 437 were identified in the context of already known outbreaks.
The average age of new positives today is 44.3 years.
The contagion map with symptomatic symptoms province by province
These are the cases of positivity in the area since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 7,746 a Piacenza (+186 compared to yesterday, of which 77 symptomatic), 6,337 to Parma (+140, of which 97 symptomatic), 10,049 to Reggio emilia (+262, of which 153 symptomatic), 10,170 to Modena (+332, of which 151 symptomatic), 12,774 to Bologna (+599, of which 241 symptomatic), 1,247 cases a Imola+58, of which 22 symptomatic), 3,095 to Ferrara (+120, of which 15 symptomatic), 3,696 years Ravenna (+225, of which 114 symptomatic), 2,696 to Forlì (+53, of which 36 symptomatic), 2,056 years Cesena (+54, of which 39 symptomatic) and 5,225 years Rimini (+151, of which 79 symptomatic).
Swabs and serological tests
The swabs performed were 20,332, for a total of 1,674,462. To these are added 3,092 serological tests.
Intensive care and increasing number of hospitalized
Patients admitted to intensive care there are 177 (+16 compared to yesterday), 1,588 in other Covid departments (+34).
In the territory, people admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 9 a Piacenza (+1 compared to yesterday), 17 years old Parma (stable number compared to yesterday), 14 a Reggio emilia (+2 compared to yesterday), 33 a Modena (+4), 63 to Bologna (+5), 4 to Imola (no change from yesterday), 9 a Ferrara (+1 from yesterday), 8 a Ravenna (+1), 3 a Forlì (no change from yesterday), 2nd Cesena (+1) and 15 years Rimini (+1 compared to yesterday).
How many are the real patients in the Region?
I active cases, that is, the number of real sick, to date I am 31,976 (2,005 more than yesterday). Of these, people isolated at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, add up to a total of 30,211 (+1,955 compared to yesterday), almost all (97.5%) of the cases assets.
The healed
The total number of people cured 28,403 amounts to (+162 compared to yesterday).
Dpcm, yellow zone of Emilia Romagna
Meanwhile, last night we learned that theEmilia romagna it is yellow zone (guide here): tomorrow there will be no closures of bars and restaurants throughout the day, or prohibitions on the movement of citizens outside the municipality of residence. However, they remain the national curfew from 22 to 5 hours and other measures planned for schools, buses, shopping center stores and museums throughout the country.
The replication rate of the virus not elevatisssimo and the impact resistance capacity of ours sanitary system have allowed a great recovery. Ours is the Region that does epidemiological detection more extensive, with the largest number of serological tests, to identify asymptomatic positives and that reaches an average of 18-19 thousand tampons per day.
The employment rate of intensive therapy it is still below the critical threshold of 30%.
“Attention – warns the governor Stefano bonaccini – There are no green areas, the priority throughout the country is only one: to reverse the pandemic curve. In Emilia-Romagna we will continue to perform thousands of swabs every day, to carry out epidemiological screenings among the most extensive to continue finding asymptomatic positives, to carry out controls and tracings, to continue with the activity of the Usca, the units active in the assistance area. domiciliary. And you also need proper and responsible behavior, respecting safety regulations. Also because we stay in the yellow zone if the data does not deteriorate, if the contagion does not increase, otherwise we enter at least the orange zone and, at that point, more restrictive measures would automatically take effect ”.
“We are waging a battle against the virus that should not make us back down – says the regional adviser for health policies, Raffaele donini – Our health system is holding up, but we must reduce the contagion curve to prevent it from reaching pressure levels that would inevitably affect ordinary services ”.
Coronavirus Italy, data and table of the Regions
At the national level, yesterday I infected there were 25,093 more, compared to +21,630 the day before. THE tampons yesterday they were 211,831, 29,544 more than on Tuesday (182,287).
Over three days, the ratio of total to positive swabs has decreased (from 16.4% on Monday to 15.49% on Tuesday and 14.4% yesterday), and in the last 24 hours, the ratio of non-tested swabs and positives has also decreased, from 25.7% to 24%.
The increase in intensive therapy, that from +203 on Tuesday has dropped to +67 and so has the number of hospitalized patients with symptoms, which yesterday increased by +1,002 compared to +1,274 on Tuesday.
I dead yesterday it was 352, a high but stable figure compared to +353 the day before.
The update with the new editions of the Ministry of Health with the table containing everything data of the regions
Covid, the news of November 5
Contagion Marche, the incidence of positives is growing – Coronavirus Tuscany, updates – Boom of positives in Veneto
Modena, tests of the anti-Covid vaccine are being carried out
Flu, already 500 thousand vaccinated in Emilia Romagna
How the coronavirus passes through the eyes
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