Coronavirus today, Covid newsletter November 17. Data from Emilia Romagna, stop contagion


Bologna, November 17, 2020 – i data today in the diffusion of Coronavirus inorth Emilia romagna and bring good news: they slow down cases of COVID-19 in the region. In the last 24 hours, 2,219 new positives, of which 1,235 symptomatic e 984 no symptoms, its 22,381 tampons performed, in addition to 3,784 serological tests. The ratio of new cases to swabs is also below 10%: 9.9% to be precise (yesterday 17.6%, compared to 22.5% on November 15).

“A softening of the epidemic curve is confirmed – assures the Councilor for Health Raffaele Donini– We expect it to be a trend and not just ups and downs. “A slowdown in contagion and a decrease in the percentage of tampon positives compared to the weekend, given that the weekend they do less, ”said Donini again speaking on commission.

We hope that the trend of the last days will be confirmed ”. However, “the utmost caution and caution” is the councilor’s recommendation.

While waiting for the complete data that will arrive with today’s newsletter, scheduled at 4.30 p.m., the president Stefano bonaccini, with a post on Facebook, encourages everyone not to be discouraged and respect the regulations: “There is a strong sense of responsibility that continues to be demonstrated by the vast majority of the population of Emilia-Romagna. In fact, since Saturday and Sunday, new restrictive measures are in force in our region “, he wrote.” It is natural that there are also contradictory points of view – he continued – but to get out of the pandemic we only have one way ahead: to work together to lower the infection curve as soon as possible, empty hospitals and help doctors, nurses and health workers, commendable every day ”.

We are living a very difficult time. But I never tire of repeating that we are a strong and united community. Let us continue walking together the road that remains, certainly not short, knowing that the vaccine is about to arrive, and this is extraordinary news ”, wrote Bonaccini, also thanking the numerous messages of affection and closeness, received these days, in the that the president is in solitary confinement to cure himself of the virus and bilateral pneumonia.

Coronavirus Italy, data and table

In Italy Yesterday, November 16, 27,354 cases were registered, down from the previous day from 33.979. THE tampons 152,663 swabs (-42,612) and I dead 504 (-2). Intensive terapie +70: they suffered more Lombardy, Piedmont me Tuscany. by and hospitalizationsinstead, the largest number was always in Lombardy me Piedmont, but Lazio.

The percentage of the number of positives and buffers it rose to 17.9%, compared to 17.4% the day before.

The region with the most contagion It was him Lombardy (4,128), then 4,079 in Campania, 3.476 inches Piedmont and 2,547 in Emilia Romagna. Another 2,407 in Lazio, 2,433 in Tuscany and 1,966 in Veneto. Valle d’Aosta begins to close schools, while Abruzzo will be the red zone from tomorrow, November 18.

The update from the Ministry of Health is expected this afternoon. As soon as the new data is available, we will report it in this article.


Covid, the other news of November 17

Coronavirus in Marks: the data

Chrysantis: reopening at Christmas is unacceptable

Abruzzo becomes the red zone
