Bologna, March 12, 2021 – The curve of contagion gives Coronavirus remains high due to variants now widespread throughout the country and responsible for more than half of the new cases verified: today they are 3,477 new positives in Emilia Romagna (yesterday 2,845), detected in 47,160 swabs made in the last 24 hours, the highest number since the start of the pandemic. the asymptomatic there are 1,392. The percentage of cases in the tests carried out since yesterday is 7.4%. However, declining dead related to COVID-19: today’s newsletter records some 35 (yesterday 45). In Italy there are 26,824 new cases and 380 deaths.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, they are 293,400 I positivity cases registered in the region, while I deceased have reached altitude 10,994.
Pressure on hospitals: patients admitted to intensive care I’m 350 (+5 compared to yesterday), 3,197 those in the aother Covid departments (+40).
The Emiliano of Romagna healed I’m 1,457 more than yesterday and reach height 219,789. I active cases, that is, actual patients are currently 62,617 (+1,985 compared to yesterday), 94.3% of the total are in isolation at home with mild symptoms.
You can see the situation of infections in the provinces Bologna with 1,015 new cases, followed by Modena (514) e Rimini (430); then Reggio emilia (298), Ravenna (274), Parma (256), then Ferrara (188) and the territory of Cesena (156). They follow the area of Forlì (140), Piacenza (107) e Imola (99).
And all theEmilia romagna could become Red zone since Monday, the follow-up of the control room of Ministry of Health me Higher Institute of Health whence the decisions of the government in colors of the regions. Executive today also busy with the green light to the new grip: it has arrived decree of law that tightens the measures of the Dpcm effective as of March 6: from April 3 to 5, all of Italy will be in the red zone, so the days of Easter me Easter monday.
According to the Ministry’s report on the progress of the pandemic in the last week, Emilia Romagna is a high level of risk and the contagion rate Rt is 1.34. furthermore, the threshold of 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, which imposes the highest possible mitigation level and critical threshold for i hospitalizations in medical area and in intensive care.
Bologna, Maggiore hospital report: full beds, the danger of variants is real
Coronavirus in Italy: data and table of regions
According to experts we are in the middle of the third wave: they are 26,824 positives to the coronavirus test in Italy in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Ministry of Health. Yesterday it was 25,673. The victims were 380, yesterday it was 373.
Have been carried out 369,636 swabs molecular and antigenic for the coronavirus in the last 24 hours in Italy.
Yesterday the tests were 372,217. The positivity rate (positive / test ratio) today is 7.2%, yesterday it was 6.9%, so today it rose 0.3%.
There are 226 entries in intensive care for Covid-19 in the last 24 hours in Italy. The balance between inputs and outputs is 55 more patients. In all, 2,914 people are now in intensive care. In ordinary wards (pulmonology and infectious diseases), patients increased by 409 units compared to yesterday, bringing the total to 23,656.
The largest number of new infections is once again recorded in Lombardy (6.262) ahead of Emilia Romagna (3,477), Piedmont (2,929), Campania (2,644) and Veneto (1,932).
Data from the Regions: Contagions in the Marks – Veneto Newsletter – Coronavirus in Tuscany
The virus in Emilia Romagna on March 12
Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, they have been registered in Emilia-Romagna. 293,400 positive cases, 3,477 more than yesterday, out of a total of 47,160 swabs made in the last 24 hours. The positivity rate is 7.4%.
Of the newly infected, 1,392 are asymptomatic: 667 were identified through contact tracing, 105 through risk category tests introduced by the Region, 56 through serological tests, 26 through prehospital tests. An epidemiological investigation is still being carried out for 538 cases.
Overall, 643 of the new positives were already in isolation at the time of the swab run, 1,100 were identified within known outbreaks.
Average age of the new positives today is 42.7 years.
The contagion map: 20,758 a Piacenza (+107 compared to yesterday, of which 79 symptomatic), 19,810 to Parma (+256, of which 127 symptomatic), 36,468 to Reggio emilia (+298, of which 185 symptomatic), 50,723 to Modena (+514, of which 371 symptomatic), 62,607 years Bologna (+1,015, of which 618 symptomatic), 10,445 cases a Imola (+99, of which 54 symptomatic), 16,886 to Ferrara (+188, of which 43 symptomatic), 22,483 to Ravenna (+274, of which 151 symptomatic), 11,273 to Forlì (+140, of which 105 symptomatic), 14,078 to Cesena (+156, of which 83 symptomatic) and 27,869 to Rimini (+430, of which 269 symptomatic).
The Region announces that “with respect to what was communicated in recent days, 34 cases have been eliminated, of which 33 were positive for antigen tests but not confirmed by molecular swab and 1 case, always previously communicated, judged not to be Covid-19 “.
Deaths in Emilia Romagna today
Today’s newsletter registrations 35 new deaths: 3 to Piacenza (one 84-year-old woman and two 76- and 84-year-old men); 8 in the province of Modena (five women – respectively 80, 83, 87, 94 and 103 years old – and three men, 50, 80 and 89 years old); 13 in the province of Bologna (four women of 76, 79, 87 and 93, and nine men of 60, 69, 73, 82, 84, 85, 87, 94 and 96); 2 in the province of Ferrara (both men, 56 and 65 years old); 2 in the province of Ravenna (a 74-year-old woman and an 83-year-old man); 7 in the province of Forlì-Cesena (one woman of 77 and six men of 67, 75, two of 78, 81 and 82). There are no deaths in the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia and Rimini.
In total, there have been 10,994 deaths in the region since the start of the epidemic.
Hospitalizations in Emilia Romagna
Patients admitted to intensive care they are 350 (+5 compared to yesterday): 10 a Piacenza (+1), 19 a Parma (number unchanged since yesterday), 30 a Reggio emilia (no change), 73 a Modena (+4), 99 to Bologna (+1), 34 to Imola (-1), 33 to Ferrara (+1), 14 a Ravenna (-14 to Forlì (no change), 9 a Cesena (+1) and 25 years Rimini (-1).
Instead, 3,197 are those in other Covid departments (+40).
Vaccines in the region
Meanwhile continue the anti-Covid vaccination campaign, which at this stage concerns healthcare and CRC personnel, including patients admitted to nursing homes, most of whom have already been immunized, those over 80 years of age in home care and their spouses, if they are 80 or over, and the elderly . 85 and above; Reservations continue for those ages 80 to 84, which began on March 1. Then the school and university staff and the police.
The progressive count of administrations carried out you can follow in real time on the Emilia-Romagna Region portal dedicated to the topic: https: //salute.regione.emilia-
At 15 were administered as a whole 556,354 dose; in total, 177,068 I’m second dose, that is, people who have completed the vaccination course.
I’m 11,907 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine from ABV2856 lottery expiration 05/2021, whose use was suspended yesterday for Aifa As a precaution, they have been used until today in Emilia-Romagna. Out of a total of 60,691 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine administered in the region.
The Regional Department of Health specifies that no abnormal reactions have been observed in Emilia-Romagna. Aifa’s decision, as the Agency itself has pointed out, was adopted “after the report of some
serious adverse events, in temporal concomitance with the administration of doses belonging to the ABV2856 lottery of the AstraZeneca vaccine against Covid 19 “.
Therefore, Aifa decided, as a precaution, to ban the use of this batch throughout the country and “reserves the right to take further measures, when necessary, also in close coordination with the EMA, the European Medicines Agency.” Aifa also clarified that “at the moment a causal link has not been established between the administration of the vaccine and these events.”
Emilia Romagna: refreshments for taxi drivers arrive
the refreshments by Emilia-Romagna for me taxi drivers. The Region contributes two million euros of own resources for the holders of Taxi licenses and NCC authorization penalized by the loss of income last year. An audience, the one interested in this measure, of more than 3,200 people who, in order to obtain the voucher, “must request it through the notice available on the Region’s portal from March 24 to May 4,” reports the region.
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