Rome, February 2, 2021 – New cases and deaths of Coronavirus in Italy. But before a greater number of tampons. the bulletin today from the Ministry of Health on the evolution of infections a few days after returning to yellow zone of most Regions and with the virus variants that overlook our country. Tomorrow a summit between the government and the regions to take stock of the new vaccine plan In light of the cuts announced by pharmaceutical companies and the green light to AstraZeneca. On which, for its part, the AIFA specifies: yes, even among those over 55 years of age in good health and without risk factors, although preferential use is suggested for the age group 18 to 55 years. And for those at higher risk of developing severe disease, the Pfizer-BionTech and Moderna vaccines are preferable, he explains. And Zaia announces: “We move to find vaccines in the market, we think of business sectors ‘free of covid'”. Pressing for the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza at the drug agency to speed up the green light for monoclonal antibodies, while the vice minister Pierpaolo Sileri explains that “as vaccination progresses, they should reopen restaurants also at night, it is necessary to make people progressively return to their activities and a new normal. “Meanwhile, the alarm of British scientists: the English variant it would be changing again. And in Umbria Two suspected cases of the Brazilian mutation were discovered.
Movements between regions: when will they be possible. What the Dpcm says, the government’s doubts
The Covid Bulletin February 2
am 9,660 the new cases of Coronavirus registered in Italy in the last 24 hours compared to 7,925 yesterday (here the full bulletin from February 1). However, tampons are growing: 244,429, more than 100,000 more. As a result, the positivity rate drops dramatically from 5.56% to 3.9%. Growing instead deaths, 499 (329 yesterday), for a total that is already close to 90 thousand victims, 89,344. They decrease again intensive therapy busy, 38 less (yesterday +37), 2214 in total with 158 entries of the day, while increase, for the second day in a row, ordinary hospitalizations: +57 (yesterday +164), for a total of 20,317.
Rapid Covid test, swab and serological examination. How they work, the differences
The Regions / Campania
am 919 (including 21 cases identified by rapid antigen tests) i new positives to the coronavirus in Campania: 891 are asymptomatic. The buffers of the day are 11,073 (587 antigenic). 38 deaths (Since the beginning of the epidemic there are 3,803), of which 15 died in the last 48 hours and 23 previously but registered yesterday. The healed number 1,355 (the total amounts to 158,436). There are 103 out of 656 intensive care beds available, 1,480 (out of 3,160) inpatient beds.
Emilia romagna
Less than 1,000 infections per dayEmilia romagna: I new positives am 879 out of a total of 28,432 swabs performed. This is the lowest number of infections recorded since the first week of October. The percentage of new positives on the number of swabs is reduced to 3.1%. The new positives, 386 of which are asymptomatic. On the other hand, those cured are 2,096 more than yesterday and cause a marked decrease in active positives: today there are 45,312 (-1,289 compared to yesterday). Of these, people in isolation at home are a total of 42,938 (-1,275), 94.8% of the total active cases. They don’t fall instead deceased: they are registered 72.
am 879 new cases of Coronavirus in Puglia, where 8,701 tests were carried out. The province with the highest data is Bari (374). further 26 new victims are registered. Since the beginning of the emergency, 1,325,499 tests have been performed, 69,209 patients have been recovered. 51,702 are currently positive cases. The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 124.
in Piedmont they are 765 the new positives a Covid-19 (of which 141 after antigenic tests), equivalent to 3.9% of the 19,867 swabs performed, of which 12,061 antigenic. There are 382 asymptomatic (49.9%). The total of positive cases thus becomes 228,404. The deaths they are instead 37. There are 152 hospitalized in intensive care (-1 compared to yesterday). There are 2,138 patients who are not in intensive care (-13 compared to yesterday). There are 9,818 people in home isolation. The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 2,529,031 (+ 19,867 compared to yesterday).
South tyrol
In South tyrol contagion remains high. In the last 24 hours another 5 dead The total number of deaths, since the beginning of the health emergency, amounts to 880. I new positive cases are 639Of these, 132 were detected on the basis of 1,992 PCR swabs (676 of which new tests) and 507 on the basis of 7,159 antigen tests. Admissions are stable. There are 34 Covid 19 patients treated in intensive care, 233 in normal hospital wards, 159 in affiliated private structures (2 more than yesterday) and in isolation in the Colle Isarco 16 structure. The patients recovered with pcr swab are 23,893 ( 47 more). Added to these are 1,599 people who underwent a test with an uncertain or unclear result and then came back negative. Finally, the people declared cured by epidemiological investigation are 9,403 (346 more).
am 621 new infections, which with 39,304 tampons equates to an incidence of 1.58%, while 76 deaths in the last 24 hours in Veneto. Continuous decline in hospital data: today 1,906 Covid patients are hospitalized in non-critical wards (-57) and 222 (-15) in intensive care.
Zaia: “We are moving to find other vaccines on the market”
In Lazio, there are currently 60,773 positive cases for Covid-19, of which 2,336 were hospitalized, 289 in intensive care and 58,148 in home isolation. Since the beginning of the epidemic, a total of 141,160 cured, 5,074 deaths and the total number of cases examined is 207,007.
New cases registered in Tuscany am 399 is 14,920 proof of which 7,773 molecular swabs and 7,147 rapid tests. Since the outbreak began, the total is now 135,228. The rate of new positives is 2.67% (6.7% in the first diagnosis). The average age of 399 new positives today is approximately 45 years. The people admitted to the beds dedicated to Covid patients today are a total of 778 (21 more than yesterday, plus 2.8%), 109 in intensive care (8 more than yesterday, plus 7.9%). Today they are also registered 9 dead: 6 men and 3 women with a mean age of 86.7 years.
am 333 positives detected in Market among the new diagnoses. The Health Service announced that “in the last 24 hours 5,958 swabs were tested: 3,848 in the new diagnostic pathway (of which 2,024 in the antigenic pathway screening) and 2,110 in the cured pathway (with a positive / proven relationship equal to 8.7%) “. In the 2,024 tests of the antigen detection pathway, “79 positive cases were found (which underwent molecular swab). The positive / analyzed ratio is equal to 4%.” The number of patients ‘Covid-19’ assisted in hospitals: 639, as yesterday, of which 612 were hospitalized in the wards, 5 more than the day before, and 27 (-5) in the emergency room. At intensive therapy they are assisted 68 people, 4 less than yesterday.
am 12 deaths of coronavirus positive people registered in Liguria, where the total number of victims thus amounts to 3,371. There are 694 patients in the hospital, 2 less than yesterday: of them, 64 are hospitalized in intensive care. Among them is also the 4-month-old baby, positive for coronavirus and with previous pathologies, hospitalized in Gaslini. The latest report from the region’s records 238 new cases; In the last 24 hours, 3,794 molecular swabs were made, 825,622 since the start of the emergency. 1,734 rapid antigenic swabs were also performed in one day, 44,160 since January 14.
Go down to 71 the number of cases of Covid-19 in Sardinia, where the positivity rate drops to 2% compared to 3,428 swabs made in the last 24 hours. To find a similar number of new infections, it is necessary to return at the end of August 2020. However, the regional crisis unit records 8 dead (994 in total). On the other hand, 430 patients are currently hospitalized in non-intensive wards (-9 compared to yesterday’s figure), while 34 (-5) patients are in intensive care. Those cured are a total of 22,312 (+527), while the people declared clinically cured on the island are currently 233.
The growing trend of Covid patients in hospitals continuesUmbria, now 430, nine more than yesterday, 61 of which, three more, in intensive care. Two deaths on the last day, a figure that hadn’t been this low for some time. The last day they were seen 283 new positives and 142 healed. Current positives are 5,772, 129 more than yesterday. 4,764 molecular swabs, 600,641 and 3589 antigen tests, 38,053 were analyzed. The positivity rate is 3.38% of the total and 5.9% that refers only to swabs, below yesterday’s for both values.
The other regions
In Abruzzo 210 new cases were registered (with ages between 3 months and 90 years), bringing the total to 43,214. In Calabria the new positives are 166.
Insights: Sputnik V vaccine “91.6% effective”. Test data published
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