Bologna, November 7, 2020 – Waiting for the data about him Coronavirus in Italy, the today’s newsletter Dell ‘Emilia romagna. The number of dead in the region: 29 today’s victimsyesterday was 40). Instead stable i contagion, in more than 20,200 swabs, 2,009 new positives were detected (the proportion is 9.9%, yesterday 9.4%, Thursday it exceeded 10%), of which 942 asymptomatic.
The average age of new positives is 45 years. The situation of infections in the provinces of Emilia Romagna sees Bologna with 437 new cases; Following Reggio emilia with 361, then Modena 354.
Patients admitted to intensive care there are 188 (+11 compared to yesterday), 1,723 in other Covid departments (+50).
29 dead in Emilia Romagna
There are 29 new deaths: 3 in the province of Parma (3 men of 76, 85 and 74 years old respectively), 4 in the Reggio area (two men, 84 and 75 years old, and two women, 90 and 81 years old), 6 years Modena (a man of 86 years and 5 women of 91, 95, 73, 82 and 88 years respectively); 5 a Bologna (3 men, including 2 of 73 and one of 88, and 2 women of 97 and 94); 4 in the Ferrara area (2 women of 57 and 100 years respectively, and 2 men of 91 and 87 years); 3rd Ravenna (2 women of 85 and 88 years old, a man of 91 years old); 3rd Cesena (2 men of 82 and 70 years old, one woman of 88 years old); finally a Rimini an 82-year-old woman died.
Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, in Emilia-Romagna the victims are 4,781.
Viruses in the region, today’s cases
Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, 6 have been registered in Emilia Romagna9,049 positive cases, 2,009 in more than yesterday, out of a total of 20,218 swabs made in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives out of the number of manufactured tampons is now 9.9%.
Are newly infected 942 the asymptomatic identified as part of the regional contact tracing and screening activities: 283 were identified thanks to the contact tracing activity, 62 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 9 with serological screening, 11 through recovery. An epidemiological investigation is still in progress for 577 cases.
Overall, among the new positives, 268 people were already in isolation at the time of swabbing and 362 were identified in the context of known outbreaks.
L ‘middle age of the new positives today is 45.1 years.
The map of contagion province by province with symptomatic data
These are the cases of positivity in the area since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: Piacenza 8,158 (+234 compared to yesterday, of which 111 symptomatic), 6,730 to Parma (+ 201, of which 124 symptomatic), 10,689 to Reggio emilia (+361, of which 258 symptomatic), 10,833 to Modena (+354, of which 123 symptomatic), 13,688 to Bologna (+437, of which 198 symptomatic), 1,344 cases a Imola (+40, of which 23 symptomatic), 3266 years Ferrara (+70, of which 12 symptomatic), 3,911 to Ravenna (+133, of which 90 symptomatic), 2,800 to Forlì (+45, of which 39 symptomatic), 2,141 years Cesena (+67, of which 43 symptomatic) and 5,489 to Rimini (+67, of which 46 symptomatic).
Intensive care, other hospitalized and recovered
Patients admitted to intensive care I am 188+11 compared to yesterday), 1,723 those of other Covid departments (+50).
In the territory, the people admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 10 to Piacenza (+2 compared to yesterday), 17 to Parma (-1), 17 a Reggio emilia (+3), 31 to Modena (stable compared to yesterday), 62 a Bologna (+1), 5 a Imola (+1), 12 a Ferrara (+1 from yesterday), 9 a Ravenna (+1), 3 a Forlì (-1 compared to yesterday), 6 inches Cesena (+4) and 16 years Rimini (unchanged).
The total number of people cured increased to 28,619 (+60 compared to yesterday).
The tests of the last 24 hours
I tampons 20,218 were carried out, for a total of 1,715,527 since the beginning of the crisis. To these are added 3,636 serological tests.
Real sick
Active cases, that is, the number of actual patients, to date are 35,649 (1,920 more than yesterday). Of these, the people in isolate the house, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, total 33,738 (+1,859 compared to yesterday), 94.6% of all active cases.
Vaccines and quick swabs
Yesterday the Minister of Health of Emilia Romagna, Raffaele donini spoke live Facebook seemed determined By reiterating the invitation to all citizens to “stay at home as long as possible, we must minimize contacts and lower the epidemic curve.” He is pleased to announce the distribution of quasi one million rapid antigenic swabs, capable of providing the result in a quarter of an hour.
I quick swabs they are the first batch of a total supply close to 2 million. Among the intended uses, the controls on the close contacts of the positives for the closure, at 10 days, of the quarantine; school exams in case of a positive result, controls of patients entering the emergency room; and again, in social and health structures such as the RSA, as well as for epidemiological research on professional categories or age groups at higher risk. Also, for testing travelers arriving at Bologna Marconi airport. Of the offer, 250 thousand tampons will go to the businessmen who signed the Labor Pact with the Region.
The commissioner then returned to the question of flu shots. “So far we have run 640 thousand vaccines, we are close to last year’s result and we can get vaccinated until December. But there was a supply problem. Whoever was supposed to provide the vaccines did not do so, so we will apply sanctions and take all necessary legal actions. But now 1.2 million doses have arrived. “
In the next few days, he assured, “we will send them to the general practitioners with the aim of exhausting the vaccines of the population at risk by the end of November.” As of November 16 they will also be in the pharmacy the 36 thousand doses paid for categories without risk.
Emilia Romagna yellow zone, all rules – Sports in the yellow zone, what can and cannot be done
Coronavirus Italy, data and infection table
New record of infections, yesterday in Italy: 37,809 cases against 34,405 on Thursday. Deaths remain high but stable, 446 (24 hours before 445) and the total number of victims amounts to 40,638. It is also a record for tampons, 234,245 (almost 15 thousand more), but the positive / test ratio still rises to 16.14% compared to 15.69% 24 hours earlier.
There are 24,005 hospitalized patients with symptoms (+749; Wednesday +1,140), while the most seriously ill patients in intensive care are 2,515 (+124; the day before +99).
This afternoon the update on Coronavirus from the Ministry of Health will arrive, as soon as the new numbers and the table with the data of the regions are available we will publish them in this article.
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