
Three are the dead (two women and one man) and 1,588 positives in the province of Teramo, 62 more than the previous day out of 234 in Abruzzo. Among the infected too twenty boys, almost all students, under 19 years of age. To lose their lives yesterday, in the resuscitation room of the Mazzini hospital in Teramo were: a 79-year-old from Isola del Gran Sasso, a 79-year-old from Bellante and an 86-year-old from Teramo. It was determined that the CovidSars2 infection would precipitate his already fragile state of health due to previous pathologies.
In Teramo, the number of positives a goes up to 60 (+4) Montorio al Vomano, including Deputy Mayor Raniero Barnabei. TO Giulianova 23 (+2) and a quarantined class at the Cerulli-Crocetti Institute. Second class students and teachers were placed under active surveillance by ASL. An isolated elementary class too Sant’Omero, the infected are 20 (+2) including a teacher. Other positives: Slvi 34 (+3), Tortoreto 11 (+6), Nereto 19, Atri 21 (+1), Martinsicuro 22 (+6), Alba Adriatica 23 (+5)
Last updated: 09:22