The first details emerge regarding the current situation regarding the Coronavirus emergency between Latina and the province.
As mentioned in a previous release, 73 cases have been recorded in the Pontin area, of which 15 are in the capital.
Then the ASL announced six infections in Aprilia, eight in Cisterna di Latina, one in Cori, one in Fondi, two in Formia, four in Itri, one in Minturno, one in Monte San Biagio, one in Pontinia, two in Priverno, one in Roccagorga, four in Sabaudia, four in San Felice Circeo, one in Sermoneta, two in Sezze, two in Sonnino, one in Spigno Saturnia and six in Terracina.
In total, therefore, the total number of cases since the beginning of the pandemic has become 1,369; among them there are 675 positives, 39 deaths and 655 recovered.
“Given the increasing number of positive cases detected, the entire population is strongly recommended not to lower the level of care in the fight against the pandemic, strictly respecting the current provisions regarding the prohibition of meetings, the mobility of people, the frequent and correct hand washing, use of masks and compliance with minimum safety distances ”highlights the ASL.
And that’s not all: “We inform you that on Monday, October 5, access to the Latina” drive in “will not be governed by the reservation due to the reprogramming of the application. As of Tuesday, October 6, access will be regulated for a reservation It will be done the day before (Monday). To all citizens who will be in the queue on Monday, October 5, it is suggested to reserve for the next day to ensure that the swab is carried out in a reasonable time. From Tuesday 6 October will not guarantee the hyssop for people without reservation, with the exception of the following citizens who can appear without reservation: citizens who have to leave abroad, where the corresponding certification is required, for which it will be enough to show the staff of the “drive in “Proper travel document and receipt of payment; citizens contacted by the Prevention Department, which will proceed directly to make the reservation. uno”.
The emergence of the Coronavirus in the territory of Latina and its province is becoming increasingly delicate.
In the next few hours, in fact, the ASL will formalize 73 infections in the last 24 hours, of which 25 will affect the Pontine capital. Then another three cases will be counted outside the province.
Shoot the ages of the infected, but according to some rumors there would be a lot of young people.
At the moment, it is not ruled out that health leaders can meet to analyze the situation in detail.
by: Francesco Marzoli
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