Coronavirus, this is what we can do from May 18: the guide


Movements, self-certification, bars, restaurants, hairdressers, beaches – this is all that can be done from May 18, 2020 to keep coronavirus infection under control. The rule of 1 meter of space between people and 2 meters still exists in special cases such as beaches, bars, restaurants, hairdressers. The masks will be compulsory in closed places, to enter the stores and when it is not possible to keep the distance, even outside. The ban on the assembly remains.

Self certification

You no longer need to use the form to move within your region of residence. Instead, the form (download it here) should be used to move from one region to another. There are three reasons for leaving the Region: work, health, need and urgency. In these three cases, verifications can be carried out to find out what the citizen has declared.

Family and friends

In addition to family, you can also meet friends. There are no limitations on the number of people that can be seen at the same time, but the ban on gathering prevents too many people and in any case, you should always keep your distance.

Second houses

You can go to the second houses and you can stay while they are in the same region of residence. Instead, it is forbidden to go to second homes outside the region unless there are reasons of necessity and urgency. In this case, the self-certification must be completed and the reason must be demonstrated.

Bars and restaurants

Tickets will have a fee based on the size of the room and then queue with the mask. The area for each customer of 4 square meters, therefore, to establish how many people can enter the room at the same time, the area of ​​the room must be divided by 4. In the restaurant, the distance is two meters between one table and another, while between one table companion and the other, a distance must be provided to avoid the transmission of drops. No more buffets, the paper menus will disappear and the waiters will wear gloves and a mask.


The rules to be respected are distance in all activities and during service, the guarantee of cleanliness and environmental hygiene of the room at least twice a day, the guarantee of adequate natural ventilation and air exchange. Hand disinfection systems must be available in particular together with keyboards, touch screens and payment systems. Customers and shop assistants must wear masks and disposable gloves are recommended. . To extend the accesses, it will be possible to extend the hours of the stores. The entry and exit routes must be diversified and in the smallest rooms you can enter one at a time. In clothing stores there will be precautions for testing clothing and changing rooms.


Parking spaces will be cut in half to avoid meetings, a rule that will force entry fees. Elevators (if limited in size) will be limited to the disabled, but escalators and treadmills may be used. In banks, stickers indicating the obligation to maintain distances will be applied, and at the entrance of clothing, shoes, perfumery and other items stores there will be and you will have to take the number. Markets will need to close and the number of stalls will decrease.


The activities are carried out exclusively by reservation, appointment online or by phone. They can also be open on Sundays and Mondays. To this end, good time management is necessary to avoid overlapping clients to allow disinfection of spaces, workstations and work tools. Provide a minimum distance of at least two meters between treatment and technical waiting stations, also using alternative stations.

Beauty centers

For beauty salons, the so-called system measurements are the same as for beauty salons. They can also be open on Sundays and Mondays. Specifically, during beauty treatments, the cab panels must remain closed. For facial cleansing, steam treatments are not recommended unless they are performed only in physically separate rooms, which must be ventilated at the end of each performance.


In this sector, where the guidelines have been highly controversial by the Regions and managers, the decisions of the regional and municipal administrations will count a lot. In factories, the golden rule to allow space compliance requires that umbrellas be placed 4.5 meters horizontally from each other and that the space between one row and the other be 5 meters. Between the beds outside the stations there should be a space of two meters. The factories’ pools will be closed, parties, games and sports activities that cause meetings may not be held. To allow safe use of free beaches, parking spaces will be limited, there may be a limited number, and stations will be marked with special tapes.

The masses

You can participate in religious services. The accesses will be limited, that is, a limited number, mandatory masks, distances, distribution of the communion with disposable gloves, disinfection of the rooms, entry prohibition for those with a temperature equal to or greater than 37.5 degrees.

May 15, 2020 (change May 15, 2020 | 5:05 pm)

