A net increase in swabs, reaches 6,115, but also new Covid positives identified in 24 hours: 163. Here is the situation on the progress of the pandemic in Sicily according to the latest bulletin published by the Ministry of Health. Of the 163 new positives, two are invited immigrants from the Lampedusa hotspot.
There are 293 hospitalized with symptoms while the number of intensive care patients continues to grow in one unit, reaching 16, for a total of 309 hospitalized people. On the other hand, there are 2,478 people in home isolation. The total number of currently positive people on the island is therefore 2,787 people. The discharged-cured number is 3,851 but there is a new victim: an old woman from Bagheria. (The total since the beginning of the emergency is 310 victims).
This is the division of the new cases in the regional territory. Palermo has 92, many more than the other provinces. In Catania there are 24, as well as in Syracuse. In Trapani there are 12, in Messina 5, in Caltanissetta 4. The situation in Ragusa and Agrigento is better with one case each. No increase from Enna.
In the province
Fear returns to Villafrati. In the town of Palermo, which in recent months was declared by Governor Nello Musumeci a “red zone” the number of positives amounts to 47. “Of these only 33 reside here, the rest are in other municipalities that have already been warned – he explains Mayor Franco Agnello, also positive result – I am fine, even though I have a fever of 39 and I will continue with all my strength working from home to combat the spread of the virus, knowing that I can count on a formidable team. ”Of the 69 swabs made in the last days, 23 were positive, 37 negative, 4 doubtful and 5 to be redone.
Villafrati, among the 47 positives is the mayor
A Partisan three guests of the Igea nursing home tested positive for Covid. The ASP has already prepared tampons for all patients at the Via Roma facility and 18 patients are in isolation. Suspension of hospitalizations and outpatient activities.
Partinico, three positives of Covid in a nursing home
The parish priest of Santissimo Redentore and San Nicolò di Bari de San Giuseppe Jato He tested positive for coronavirus and is in home isolation for mandatory quarantine. The news is reported by the same parish that has suspended masses in the Mother Church.
There are 39 cases of Covid certified by ASP a Bagheria. In the socio-sanitary district that includes the municipalities of Altavilla, Bagheria, Casteldaccia, Ficarazzi and Santa Flavia, the total number of cases is 67. This was reported, in the usual direct update, by the mayor of Bagheria, Filippo Maria Tripoli, who adds: “Among the 39 positive bagheresi, we registered the death of an elderly woman and already suffering a woman whose family we offer our condolences about which we had already informed them, only 8 are hospitalized with symptoms, the other 30 are asymptomatic and are followed at home by their family doctors and the district of the provincial health authority 39. Of these 39 cases, 13 are part of a single large outbreak that became infected due to parental relationships; one outbreak consists of 6 people and all the rest are unique cases. ” The mayor also refers to an episode of a private kindergarten temporarily closed to check on all children after the mother of a child attending that kindergarten tested positive; the boy, following the swab, tested negative and the school reopened.
In Bagheria 39 positive for Covid, an elderly woman died
Sports facilities
The Viale del Fante municipal swimming pool will also be closed to the public today and tomorrow. The decision was made to define the structure’s sanitation works “to protect the health of visitors and employees who work at the plant.” The activities of the municipal swimming pool were interrupted because an athlete informed those responsible of the positive swab
Towards the sanitation of the pool, the Municipality extends the closure
The schools
The obligation to wear masks, in relation to schools, “is limited to common spaces outside the classroom, to situations with an interpersonal distance of less than one meter and, inside the classroom, only if they are in motion. This is specified in a circular of the Department of Education of the Sicilian Region sent to schools after the disclosure of information related to the provisions issued by the institutes and intended for the exclusive use of surgical masks. Custom fabric ones are also allowed.
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Masks at school, clarifies the Region: “Cloth ones are also allowed”
The situation in the rest of Italy
The new newsletter also at the national level confirms the worrying trend in constant increase in the number of new cases of positivity to Sars-Cov-2 that have brought the number of Covid patients back to 50,000: it was since May 27, 4 ago months, that this psychological threshold was not exceeded, but was in full decline phase until reaching the minimum on July 24 with 12,301 patients. Today there are 24 deaths from Covid, with 1,648 new cases of more than 90,000 processed tampons. New jump in hospitalizations (+78) and in serious patients (Intensive care +7).