Coronavirus, the update of the infections in Palermo and Sicily to September 23, 2020


After the boom last Friday (179 new infections), in recent days the new cases of coronavirus in Sicily seem to be decreasing. After +108 yesterday, today there is a +89. And for those who maintain that “the more tampons you put on, the more infected you are”, today the percentage of positives in the tests carried out (6,039) stands at 1.47%. This figure is also decreasing. Obviously speaking of a downward curve is certainly premature, but with the arrival of rapid tests (result in 15 minutes) perhaps we can avoid what happened last spring.

Meanwhile, unfortunately, the number of deaths from coronavirus continues to rise, according to the bulletin of the Ministry of Health in Sicily there are three other victims: two in Palermo (one is from Trapani) and one in Syracuse. In contrast, there are also 65 people who have expelled the nightmare of Covid and that bring the number of cured to 3,519. The situation in hospitals says that today there are 220 people hospitalized (+6 compared to yesterday) and intensive care 16 (+1). The current positives are 2,412, of which 2,166 in home isolation.

From the Region they announced that 9 of the new infections belong to the outbreak of the Mission Hope and Charity of Biagio Conte, while 1 is a migrant guest in the Lampedusa Hotspot (which is “assigned” to Palermo). Here are the new cases by province: Palermo, 42; Catania, 16; Messina, 1; Syracuse, 2; Enna, 1; Ragusa, 9; Trapani, 15; Agrigento, 0; Caltanissetta, 3.

Razza: “More cases among tourists than among migrants”

Yesterday the regional councilor for Health Ruggero Razza all’Ars has compared some data by nationality. It turns out that despite the continuous alarms from the regional government about migrants, the problem has worried tourists more: “From the beginning – explains Razza – 81 percent of the cases involve Sicilians living in Sicily, 6 Italians outside the region. ” , 6 foreigners present in Sicily and 6 migrants “. Total: 12 percent of tourists and 6 percent of migrants, although Razza has an objection:” You know that these data must be read from the restoration phase of the landings – specifies Razza – The current positive migrants are 396: to these must be added 56 Covid Hotels and in quarantine (171). The total is 623 topics related to this particular cluster ”.

But Razza was optimistic when he provided data from hospitalized patients that “in Sicily they are less than 10 percent of current positives, with a percentage that is far from the 30-40 patients in the hospital for every 100 infected infected who are infected. recorded in the spring. ”

In Sicily there are 750,000 fast buffers available

There are already more than 750 thousand quick swabs available to the Sicilian health system for the investigation and monitoring of the coronavirus among the population. This is the first cargo purchased directly from the Sicily Region and distributed in recent days to all companies. Quick swabs allow obtaining the result in a few minutes, simplifying and speeding up contact tracing procedures and above all avoiding possible slowdowns in the performance of healthcare professionals to counteract the contagion of Covid-19. The new tests have already been used at the airports of Palermo and Catania, in some emergency rooms on the island and this morning also at the Maria Adelaide school (Video). The regional health department has also made a supply available to prisons and correctional institutions.

Newsletter 23-2 September

The situation in the rest of Italy

The latest Coronavirus bulletin published yesterday, Tuesday, September 22, registered 1,392 new cases and 14 deaths, 239 critical patients who required hospitalization in intensive care (+7), 2,604 the number of hospitalized patients (+129). These are worrying numbers when combined with the shift in the epicenter of the epidemic to the south: Lazio is the only region to exceed 200 new cases (+238), followed by Lombardy (+182) and Campania (+156). Also in Lazio, the number of patients in intensive care has tripled in the last two weeks and new cases continue to rise much more than in the rest of the country. In detail the numbers of the last bulletin.

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter, Wednesday, September 23

Currently positive: 46,114 (+625)
Hospitalized: 2,658 (+54)
Admitted to intensive care: 244 (+5)
Buffers: 103,696
Total cases: 302,537, new cases: 1,640

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