Coronavirus, the update of the infections in Palermo and Sicily to September 19, 2020


98 people tested positive for coronavirus in the last 24 hours in Sicily. The decrease compared to yesterday, when 179 cases were registered (81 more). However, it must be said that the number of processed tampons was decidedly lower (4,344, 6,329 on Friday). Of the 98 new positives, only one is a migrant, as reported by the Region.

According to what emerges in the bulletin of the Ministry of Health, 191 people are hospitalized in Sicily with symptoms, 13 are in intensive care (yesterday there were 15), while the number of those who are in home isolation amounts to 2,028. The total current positives on the island is 2,232. The number of deaths remains unchanged: 296. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the total number of coronavirus cases in Sicily is 5,846.

Of the new cases registered, 48 are in the province of Palermo, 21 in the province of Catania, 9 in Trapani, 9 in Messina, 2 in Syracuse, 3 in Ragusa, 2 in Enna, 4 in Agrigento. Nobody in the province of Caltanissetta.

coronavirus bulletin from September 19 to 2

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Coronavirus, today’s newsletter in Italy

Today’s data, Saturday, September 19:

  • 296,569 almost (+1,638)
  • 10,349,386 swabs (+103,223)
  • 2,380 hospitalized (-7)
  • 215 terapie int. (+7)
  • 35,692 dead (+24)
  • 217,716 cured (+909)