Coronavirus, the update of the infections in Palermo and Sicily to October 5, 2020


There are 128 new cases of coronavirus in Sicily, but in “only” 2,656 swabs: therefore, a high percentage of positives in the tests carried out, 4.8%. There are also two victims on the island, both died in Palermo, bringing the total to 321 deaths since the start of the pandemic: they are a 65-year-old woman and a 71-year-old man. which become 361 (+32 compared to yesterday). To these must be added 28 patients in intensive care (+4).

More than half of the new cases are in the province of Palermo (63), followed by Catania (31), Ragusa (15), Messina (10), Caltanissetta (5), Trapani (3), Syracuse (1) . The total number of registered cases amounts to 7,809. There are 15 new healed (4,130 in total). The current positives are 3,358, of which 2,969 are in home isolation.

The situation in the rest of Italy

Coronavirus, the new coronavirus bulletin of the Ministry of Health today Monday, October 5, 2020 confirms the worrying trend in constant increase in the number of new cases of positivity to Sars-Cov-2 that have brought the number of patients with Covid to more of 58 thousand levels at the beginning of May, but then the wave was diminishing. Today the 36,000 deaths have also been exceeded, while a new leap is made in intensive care. New cases fall, 2,257, but compared to a reduced number of tampons, only 60,000. The region with the most cases in the 24 hours is still Campania (+431), followed by Lombardy (+251), Lazio (+248) and Veneto (+230).

newsletter October 5-2

Today the Civil Protection Operational Committee was reactivated, which faced the months of the health emergency linked to Covid-19. This morning a first meeting was held to take stock of the situation. The head of Civil Protection, Angelo Borrelli, the Emergency Commissioner, Domenico Arcuri, and representatives of the Regions are presented. Without changes to the bulletin, the daily data will be published between 5 and 6 in the afternoon. The number of people admitted to intensive care has risen to more than 300, and nearly 3,600 are hospitalized in covid wards.

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter Monday, October 5

Currently positive: 58,903
Deaths: 36,002 (+16)
Discharged / healed: 232,681
Hospitalized: 3,487 (-103)
Hospitalized in ICU: 323 (+20)
Buffers: 60,241
Total cases: 327,586 (+2,257)

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