Although there are 1,768 new infections in Sicily, the current positives increase by only 188 units. Because in just 24 hours there were even 1,531 cured. Also, unfortunately, 49 dead. The balance of current positives (38,508) is in fact obtained by subtracting from the total number of cases registered since the beginning of the pandemic (58,769) that of those recovered (18,890) and precisely that of the deceased (1,371). Daily swabs were 11,500, with a positive rate of 15.3%. Therefore, in line with that of the last days.
The decline in hospitalized people continues: yesterday there were 1,574, today there are 1,545 (-29). Instead, a “+” sign in intensive care, where 253 patients are compared to yesterday’s 250. On the other hand, there are 36,710 people in home isolation. There are 516 new cases in the province of Palermo, in Catania 502, in Messina 126, in Ragusa 180, in Trapani 116, in Syracuse 82, Agrigento 57, Caltanissetta 80, Enna 109.
An “orange” horizon for Sicily?
“The color of Sicily? It is not a subject that I am passionate about,” this is how the president of the Region Nello Musumeci responded today to journalists who tried to ask him about the future restrictions on the islandvideo). In reality, the fate of Sicily is still unclear. The most likely hypothesis is that Minister Roberto Speranza will maintain the current color at least until December 3, until the current Dpcm expires and is replaced by a new decree. New decree on which there are still discussions. Both the State-Regions conference scheduled today and the control room meeting tomorrow will be essential, when the data on the Rt index and on the other factors that sustain Sicilian health care are presented: from the availability of intensive care places until the follow-up of cases.
Swabs in schools and at the fair
The projection activity continues in the schools of Palermo and its province. Here is today’s data provided by the ASP:
• Falcone Institute: 219 swabs – 1 positive
• Instituto Antonio Ugo: 206 swabs – 0
• Instituto Florio / San Lorenzo: 300-0
• Giovanni XXIII-Piazzi Palermo Institute: 373 – 2
• Juan XXIII Terrasini Institute 336-0
In total, 798 swabs were made during the day, finding 3 positives. While from November 17 to today, the ASP has made 7,642 swabs in schools, finding 46 positive (0.72%).
Today at the Fiera del Mediterráneo 908 swabs have been made and 47 positives have been found. In total, from October 31 to date, 29,620 swabs have been performed and 2,128 positives have been found.
The situation in the rest of Italy
In today’s bulletin there are 29,003 cases of Sars-Cov-2 positivity in the last 24 hours. Yesterday there were 25,853 new cases. The numbers are increasing, therefore, given that the number of swabs analyzed is very similar (data below). The good news is that, for the first time since the start of the second wave, the number of patients in intensive care has decreased, while the number of hospitalized patients with symptoms has also decreased for the third day in a row. Instead, the dead are rising: there are 822, a hundred more than yesterday. The total number of cured is 661,180 people.
Coronavirus, the newsletter for Thursday, November 26
New cases: 29,003 (yesterday 25,853)
Buffers (diagnostics and control): 232,711 (yesterday 230,007)
Currently positive: 795,845 (yesterday 791,697)
Hospitalized with symptoms: 34038 (-275, yesterday 34,313)
Hospitalized in ICU: 3,846 (-2) (yesterday 3,848 +32)
Total positive cases: 1,509,875 (yesterday 1,480,874)
Deaths: 822 (yesterday 722)
Total discharged / cured: 24,031 (total 661,180)