Coronavirus, the update of the infections in Palermo and Sicily to November 22, 2020


The new cases of Coronavirus verified in Sicily in the last 24 hours have decreased, but the processed swabs also decrease. Today the new infections, according to the report of the Ministry of Health, were 1,258 out of 6,447 swabs (yesterday 1,838 out of 9,386 tests processed).

These are the other data. There are 1,597 hospitalized with symptoms (+ 29 in 24 hours) and there are 241 patients in intensive care (yesterday 242), for a total of 1,838 hospitalized patients. The positives of Covid in home isolation reach 35,324 (yesterday 34,431). The total number of positives currently in Sicily is therefore 37,162. There are 45 more victims, bringing the total since the start of the pandemic to 1,186. While the healed reach 14,781

Regarding the division by provinces, 420 new cases were registered in Palermo. In Catania 427, Messina 94, Ragusa 61. And 10 new cases have been identified in Trapani, 83 in Syracuse, 60 in Agrigento, 102 in Caltanissetta and only one new case in Enna.

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Hospital activity

The operating complex on the first floor of the Villa Sofia hospital resumes. The stop was necessary after a nurse, who worked in the operating rooms, tested positive. When contagion emerged, the activity was temporarily channeled to other complex operators. (The full article)

Public offices

The City Council has announced that tomorrow the registry office in Viale Lazio will be closed due to sanitation activities.

In the province

One hundred meals for the population most in crisis in Misilmeri, the red zone of the numerous infections. This is the solidarity initiative carried out today by “Ted Formazione” who has one of his offices in the center not far from Palermo. “It is a small gesture, in the sea of ​​difficulties that Misilmeri is called upon to face, but it is also a sign of gratitude and affection towards the Misilmeri community of which our institution is a part”, commented the director Toni Marfia and the head of the office by Vito. It frank.

The meals were delivered to the Civil Protection of Misilmeri, who delivered them to the families identified by the municipal offices to give a hot meal to 100 disadvantaged families in the town. Four chefs employed as teachers at the training institution Gaetano Guccione, Nicola Azzaretto, Pino Vitrano and Roberta Musso worked in the realization of the dishes.

Covid, regional plan and controversy

“The orders of the Sicilian doctors do not enter into the substance of the matter that will be clarified by the competent institutions. However, we intend to follow it step by step from the first Ars Health Commission, already established on November 24. “Thus, the Sicilian Omceos on the statements made to the press by the director general of Strategic Planning in Health of the Region Mario La Rocca on the doctors “who sign false folders not to discharge patients because they are hostile to the activation of beds for patients with Coronavirus.” By the Order of Doctors “However, what immediately emerges from the press reports is the attempt to transfer responsibility to doctors for the lack of implementation of the Covid regional plan, which concerns politics and its branches. The borders with the medical profession they are very politicians play politicians, doctors save lives responding to an ethical code. It is not a division but parallel paths, where everyone plays their role. Faced with the irreplaceable work of doctors in patient care Covid with an unprecedented position of Humanity, certain uncontrolled statements, only in self-defense, have a destructive effect and the damage could be incurable for the same social category ”.

“It is worth remembering – conclude the white coats – all the victims among doctors, nurses and health workers who died of Coronavirus helping others. They are the same doctors who continue every day in great silence to guarantee health by risking their lives. We hope that once the curtain has fallen on this sad story, responsibilities are determined and the virtue of respect for the dedication of all health workers is recognized ”.

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter in Italy

There are 28,337 new cases of Covid 19 registered in our country in the last 24 hours. Instead, according to updated data from the Ministry of Health and Civil Protection, more deaths than yesterday were 562 dead and 13,574 cured. (The full article)

Currently positive: 805,947
Deaths: 49,823 (+562)
Discharged / Cured: 553,098 (+13,574)
Hospitalized: 38,080 (+259)
Hospitalized in Intensive Care: 3,801 (+43)
Buffers: 20,388,576 (+188,747)
Total cases: 1,408,868 (+28,337, + 2.05%)
