Coronavirus, the update of infections in Palermo and Sicily to May 12, 2020


Almost two thousand swabs were carried out in the last 24 hours in Sicily to find cases of Covid-19 positivity and only 4 new cases. Data on the trend of the epidemic on the island remain positive. This is what emerges from the data (updated at 15 today May 12 ed) provided by the Sicily Region to the National Crisis Unit.

From the start of the controls, 105,017 swabs were made (+1,883 compared to yesterday), of 94,034 people: 3,343 (+4) were positive, while 1,911 (-151) are still infected, 1,171 have healed (+151) and 261 deceased (+4). Of the current 1,911 positives, 249 patients (-38) are hospitalized, including 15 in intensive care (-1), while 1,662 (-113) are in home isolation.

The Region always remembers to follow scrupulously the indications provided by the Ministry of Health to contain the spread of the virus. For more information, visit the dedicated website or call toll free 800.45.87.87.

The data by province

This is the division of the current positives in the different provinces: Agrigento, 67 (0 hospitalized, 69 recovered and 1 deceased); Caltanissetta, 98 (13, 53, 11); Catania, 679 (59, 273, 95); Enna, 225 (32, 167, 29); Messina, 354 (63, 151, 53); Palermo, 376 (55, 37, 33); Ragusa, 37 (4, 50, 7); Syracuse, 53 (21, 159, 27); Trapani, 22 (2, 112, 5).

The reopens

Meanwhile, during yesterday’s State-Regions conference, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte gave the green light to regionalized openings in low-contagion areas. Among these is Sicily. The “x” date is May 18, when not only retail stores, but also bars, restaurants (not just take-out and home food, hair salons, and beauty salons) must lift the blind. from the President of the Region, who should arrive in the next few hours.

Musumeci ready to reopen bars, shops and hairdressers

How to read the numbers

The numbers must be read and interpreted, if you really want to understand how an epidemic develops, positively or negatively. And there is a risk of incurring in particular a misunderstanding, which must be explained. What are the numbers that must be analyzed to understand “how it goes”? There are mainly two: deaths, which unfortunately are the most current and, therefore, are correlated with the trend of the epidemic curve day after day. And then the total number of cases, because as stated, it is only the one that accounts for the increases or decreases in infections.

Obviously, the number of people recovered is also very important for everyone, but it is a clinical fact, not an epidemiological one: if, for example, there were 300 new cases tomorrow and they were all cured instantly, making an extreme hypothesis, despite being a splendid news, would not change anything at the level of the epidemiological curve, which would lead to an increase of 300 cases.

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This is the reason why the most misleading data is “currently positive”. Many misunderstandings consider the number of new infected people a day, but this is clearly not the case. It is only the “basket” of all Coronavirus patients from which the dead and the cured are gradually eliminated. Therefore, it does not depend on the number of people who were taken physical samples and declared positive the previous day, but on the other two factors, dead and healed. And this is why the misunderstanding is created: if the healed and the deceased increase, it is inevitable that the “currently positive” will decrease, which does not mean that there are fewer infections today than yesterday.
