Coronavirus, the update of infections in Palermo and Sicily on September 14, 2020


65 new cases of coronavirus have been discovered in Sicily in the last 24 hours, a percentage of 3% compared to the swabs made (2,158). If during the first wave the province most affected was Catania, since the summer the largest number of new infections seems to have moved to Palermo: today there are 43 (although 6 are migrants landed in Lampedusa) against 9 in the Etna province. The other cases are in Trapani (6), Agrigento (4), Syracuse (3)

As anticipated yesterday, the victims after the death of two elderly people, who already suffered from other diseases, at the Cervelló hospital amount to 292. However, it is not yet counted the 72-year-old woman who died in Villa Sofía whose post mortem swab was successful.

There are also 14 recovered, with a total of current positives reaching 1,842. Hospitalizations are constantly increasing: 136 infected people who need hospital care, plus 16 patients in intensive care (-1) compared to yesterday. There are 1,690 people in home isolation.

The number of tampons grows

Sicily is one of the regions where the most tampons are manufactured. Almost 28,000 in a week. Specifically, in the week of September 7 to 13, 27,877 swabs were made on the island, the highest number since the start of the controls, equivalent to 561.1 swabs per 100,000 inhabitants.

Newsletter September 14-2

The situation in the rest of Italy

Today the new cases are “only” 1008, but the number of tests is very low: only 45 thousand. As always, the situation in hospitals is under observation: the number of hospitalized patients unfortunately continues to increase (+80), as does the number of patients in intensive care units (197 in total and +10 compared to yesterday) . However, these figures are not comparable with those of the early stages of the epidemic. But as always, the attention is still high.

The September 14 newsletter

Total cases: 288,761 (+1008)
Currently positive: 39,187
Deaths: 35,610 (+14)
Hospitalized with symptoms: 2,122 (+80)
Hospitalized in ICU: 197 (+10)
Buffers: 45,309 (yesterday 72,143)

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