Coronavirus, the update of infections in Palermo and Sicily on September 1, 2020


Numerous swabs processed (4,210) and a limited number of new infections (33): with a percentage of positive swabs of 0.78%. Yesterday it was close to 2%. Those hospitalized remain practically unchanged compared to yesterday (81 against 80), of which 10 (as yesterday) in intensive care. This is today’s photo posted by the Ministry of Health bulletin on the coronavirus pandemic in Sicily. The discordant note is that after almost two weeks the number of victims increases again (287): it is a deceased person in the province of Syracuse “who suffers from other pathologies”, says the Region. But at the moment neither the sex nor the age of the victim is known.

In total, the cases of Covid detected since the beginning of the epidemic therefore amount to 4,350. There are five recently recovered (2,911 in total) and 1,152 current positives, of which 1,071 in home isolation without symptoms or with mild symptoms. Of the 33 new cases today, 5 are migrants from the province of Syracuse. Here are the details of the new cases by province: 8 in Palermo province, 8 Trapani, 7 Syracuse, 6 Catania, 2 Messina and 1 Agrigento and Caltanissetta.

Bulletin September 1-2

The situation in the rest of Italy

In the last 24 hours, the diagnoses of new positivity to Covid-19 remain below the threshold of a thousand new cases (978) compared to 81 thousand swabs. Eight patients have died and tested positive for coronavirus as hospital admissions increased (+105). Unfortunately, seriously ill patients who need intensive care treatment are growing (+13): there are 107 in total, on July 29 the Ministry of Health reported only 38.

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Currently positive: 26,754
Deaths: 35,491 (+8, + 0.02%)
Discharged / Cured: 207,944 (+291, + 0.14%)
Hospitalized: 1,487 (+105)
Hospitalized in ICU: 107 (+13)
Buffers: 8,725,909 (+81,050)
Total cases: 270,189 (+978, + 0.36%)

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