Coronavirus, the update of infections in Palermo and Sicily on November 10, 2020


The percentage of positives in swabs made in Sicily in the last 24 hours is reduced to 11.5%: in fact, 1,201 infected with coronavirus have been identified out of the 8,856 tests processed. It should be remembered that the quick swabs of the screening activity implemented by the Region are not included in the daily bulletin published by the Ministry of Health. Unfortunately, the number of deaths on the island remains high, there are another 32 Covid-positive people who have lost their lives, while in the rest of Italy there are even 580 victims.

On the other hand, the number of cured is 276. Constant increase in new hospitalizations, +45 compared to yesterday for a total of 1,348. To these must be added 195 patients in intensive care (+8 compared to yesterday), for a total of 1,543 hospitalized people. The current positives become 22,832, of these 21,289 in home isolation.

In recent days, the virus seems to relieve pressure on the province of Palermo, with the Catania area becoming the most affected. In fact, there are 308 new cases in the Etna province and 197 in the capital. The other cases in Ragusa, 22; Messina, 102; Trapani, 84; Syracuse, 68; Agrigento, 260; Caltanissetta, 102; Enna, 58 years old.

Tamponi at the Fair, also the Army in the field

There were 908 swabs and 46 positives today at the Mediterranean Fair on the first day in which the organization was made up of the personnel of the Armed Forces who, with doctors and nurses, took over a dedicated station. The active Coronavirus monitoring campaign, promoted by the Regional Secretary of Health, by the Commissioner for the management of the Covid emergency in the province of Palermo, Renato Costa, Asp of the capital and Municipality of Palermo, registered 13,293 swabs in 11 days of activity. and 1,115 positives. Tomorrow (Wednesday, November 11) the Drive In activity will continue at the Palermo Mediterranean Fair and will continue to be aimed at the school world, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (entry of the last car at 2 p.m.).

The screening campaign continues: 457 positives identified

The coronavirus monitoring campaign on the population organized by the Region in various cities on the island continues. Yesterday a total of 7,505 rapid swabs were carried out and analyzed in the units in operation in the territories of Caltanissetta, Catania, Palermo and Ragusa. 457 positive subjects were identified and isolated and will now undergo molecular swab to confirm the result.

In total, in the last three days, 38,125 citizens voluntarily submitted to the rapid test. Today, the site will also be operational in the area of ​​the former NPO in the Pizzuta district in Syracuse. It should be remembered that the campaign is aimed at the school population (teaching and non-teaching staff, students and their parents), a target identified by the Ministry of Health, at the proposal of the Scientific Technical Committee. Later, other population categories will be selected.

The experience, according to the will of the Musumeci government, will continue in the coming weeks. “It is important to underline – reads a note from the Department of Health – that fast tampons are not included in the daily bulletin published by the Ministry of Health.” The initiative of the Region is carried out in collaboration with Anci Sicilia and the local administrations.

Everything we still don’t know about the Pfizer vaccine

Newsletter from November 10 to 2

Swabs to Ars employees: all negative

All employees of the Sicilian Regional Assembly who voluntarily submitted to the anti-coronavirus swab tested negative. We will continue tomorrow with more shock absorbers.

The situation in the rest of Italy

Today there are 35,098 infections and 580 deaths. As for the pressure on hospitals, there are 2,971 people in intensive care (+122) and 28,633 people hospitalized in the ward (+997). Registry of cases in Lombardy that exceeds 10,000 new cases in 24 hours.

The latest coronavirus bulletin published yesterday, Monday, November 9, there were fewer cases, 25,271 cases based on 147,725 swabs, but 356 deaths (99 in Lombardy, 49 in Piedmont, 33 in Tuscany). Regarding hospitalizations, there was an increase of 189 occupied beds in Lombardy, 173 in Piedmont, 132 in Campania, 109 in Veneto, with an increase in pressure on intensive care in Lombardy (+20), Liguria (+11), Veneto, Sicily and Emilia Romagna (+10).

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter Tuesday, November 10

New cases: 35,098 (yesterday 25,271)
Cases tested: 129,814 (yesterday 88,701)
Buffers (diagnostics and control): 217,758 (yesterday 147,725)
Currently positive: 590,110 (yesterday 573,334)
Hospitalized: 28,633, +997 (yesterday 27,636 +1,196)
Hospitalized in Intensive Care: 2,971, +122 (yesterday 2,849, +100)
Total positive cases: 995,463 (yesterday 960,373)
Deaths: 42,330, +580 (yesterday 41,750, an increase of 356 deaths in 24 hours)
Total discharged / cured: 363,023 (yesterday 345,289)
