Coronavirus, the update in Palermo and Sicily of the infections as of October 18, 2020


Italy breaks, by far, the wall of eleven thousand new cases of coronavirus detected in the last 24 hours (11,705 to be exact) and Sicily obtains 548 new positives with 6,390 swabs processed. This is the image sketched in the latest bulletin from the Ministry of Health.

Therefore, infections on the island continue to increase (yesterday there were 73 fewer cases, that is, 475). Those hospitalized with symptoms are now 493 (yesterday 479) and instead there are 70 patients in intensive care (9 more than yesterday) for a total of 536 people in the hospital. The number of citizens in home isolation reaches 6,227, bringing the total number of currently positive citizens to 6,790. There are three other victims (365 since the start of the pandemic) while the number of discharged / recovered has increased by 36 units, reaching 5,137.

October 18 Region-2

As for the subdivision by provinces, the unhappy primacy of the new infections belongs to Palermo with 214 new positives. Catania follows with 199. Then Ragusa 38, Siracusa 27, Messina 23, Agrigento 18, Caltanissetta 16, Enna 8, Trapani 5.

Coronavirus, fourth victim in the Sambuca RSA: he is 80 years old from Bisacquino

October 18 region2-2

Covid and public offices

New closure, until further notice, of the Municipality’s Technical Pole in via Ausonia. The decision was made after an employee on duty communicated his positivity to the Coronavirus.

Covid, the technical center in via Ausonia closed

Covid and school

The spread of the virus continues to cause periods of closure and triggering of isolation for groups of students and teachers in Palermo schools, from kindergartens to high schools. This time it was the turn of the children who attend a section of the Infazia del Plexus Trinacria school of the Garzilli didactic direction. One of the teachers tested positive for the Covid 19 rapid test and therefore the students will have to respect the ten-day quarantine according to the latest legislation. Parents’ doubts about the “timing” of communication

Covid positive teacher and quarantined kindergarten class, parents: “Communication was late”

A week of distance training has been organized for all Baccalaureate classes in via del Fervore (from October 19 to 23), which is part of the Capuana comprehensive institute.

Distance education for secondary school in via del Fervore


New cases and the outbreak map

The situation in Italy

According to updated data from the Ministry of Health, 11,705 new cases have been registered in the last 24 hours. The victims also increase: 69 more than the previous day. The swabs made are 146,541.

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Currently positive: 126,237
Deaths: 36,543 (+69, + 0.2%)
Discharged / Cured: 251,461 (+2,334, + 0.9%)
Hospitalized: 7,881 (+559)
Hospitalized in ICU: 750 (+45)
Buffers: 13,354,582 (+146,541)
Total cases: 414,241 (+11,705, + 2.91%
