Coronavirus: the sick continue to fall in Italy, never few victims since March 9 | Let’s go to the serological tests.


Although many are already watching “Phase 3”, in the next 24-48 hours they should start first calls to undergo serological tests The 150 thousand people who will be part of the research that will allow finding the presence of specific antibodies against the coronavirus, which will allow us to better understand the impact of the virus on the population and make a statistical estimate of the contagion in Italy of Covid-19.

The intention is to further expand the analyzes through the so-called immunity test, which began to be unlocked after a privacy-related impasse, an issue that was later resolved with the instructions of the Guarantor. Unlocking the dl was precisely the privacy change requested by Minister Roberto Speranza. The car is ready, with a call center for 300 Red Cross people who will call the people in the sample to start withdrawals. All the laboratories that will carry out the analyzes in each Region have also been identified.

There are 6 bands expected by the sample. Fragile people will be able to collect at home. The test will be free and the results will be communicated to the person. In case of a positive result there will be a confirmation pad. The collected samples will be delivered, by the Italian Red Cross, to the biological bank of the Spallanzani Institute. The tests will allow “take a picture of the state of health of the Italians only compared to Covid-19, “explained Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa.” The sampling will confirm what scientists say and that 80% of the population has not come into contact with the virus. ”

The contagion goes back to Germany Meanwhile, world news speaks of an emergency that remains worrying. The virus returns to Wuhan, with a patient in critical condition on April 4. In Germany, the spread of the coronavirus could increase: Official data published by the Koch Institute indicates that the RO index increased to 1.1, compared to 0.65 on Wednesday. There are 25,000 new cases of coronavirus in the United States, for a total of infections in the country beyond the threshold of 1.3 million according to the Johns Hopkins budget.

Gb, Johnson opens to “Phase 2” Britain, the number one country in Europe and the second in the world after the United States in absolute numbers of deaths from coronavirus, opens a window to deferred stages toward Phase 2 of the emergency, with little immediate change in blocking restrictions. The new concessions relate to outdoor leisure: yes to free exercise, sunbathing in the parks and car excursions since Wednesday. From the permier Johnson, in an expected speech in the country, there is also the stimulus to return to work from Monday, where ‘smart work’ from home is not possible, especially in the industry, provided that companies guarantee the distance with the warning “avoid public transportation as much as possible” and go “by bike or on foot”. With a perspective, in parallel to a greater relief on the internal front that should affect the first schools and the first stores in June and some hotels, restaurants and the like not before July, an offensive at the external borders marked by the obligation to quarantine for those arriving or returning from abroad, with or without symptoms.
