Palermo beats Catania. But the ranking is not the happiest. In fact it is the count of new coronavirus cases for one month. Until the first days of August, in fact, the Ethnic capital “dominated” the ranking with a clear predominance of infections by Covid-19 on the island, both in the total and, very often, in the newspapers.
Now, although it remains in the first place as general cases since the beginning of the pandemic, the province of Catania in the last month has registered a lower number of infections than the province of Palermo: from August 9 to yesterday 414 new cases in the capital, 333 on the slopes of Etna.
Of course, it must still be emphasized that for some time the positive migrants identified in Lampedusa are marked in the box of the ASP of Palermo (the largest of the Pelagias is in fact included in the sanitary jurisdiction of the Sicilian capital), but it is equally true that even in Catania on the list of infected people there are non-EU citizens who have landed in Sicily. Therefore, the phenomenon of immigration affects to a certain extent the upturn in cases attributed to the province of Palermo.
These are figures and data not officially confirmed, but the result of cross calculations. It happens because the communications offered by the different health districts and the Sicilian Region itself, from the end of the confinement until today, are scarce. Much of the data is extrapolated from those communicated to the Ministry of Health, but no bulletin is produced and very little information is transmitted, part of which comes from the direct Facebook of the mayors.
Despite the absence of official reports, it still seems certain that the province of Palermo is under observation, more than the other Sicilian provinces. Not surprisingly, in the last two days it was the one that registered the most cases in Sicily, 39 only yesterday. Many companies have been forced to disinfect or carry out various controls, three municipal (Amat, Amap and Rap), and many infections are also occurring in the immediate interior of the Sicilian capital (Carini, Terrasini and Capaci, for example, but not alone).
Regarding the total number of coronavirus cases in the last month in Sicily, 333 were reported in Catania (1,217 since the start of the epidemic), 414 in Palermo (929), 164 in Messina (675), 36 in Enna (484) , 118 in Syracuse (456), 39 in Caltanissetta (237), 246 in Ragusa (425), 177 in Trapani (316), 101 in Agrigento (268).
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