Coronavirus, today’s newsletter October 15: 8,804 infected and 83 dead in the last 24 hours
A situation so worrying that it leads to a drastic indication: “A rapid analysis of subregional risk is necessary for the timely increase of containment and mitigation measures in the most affected areas”, which is an invitation to the regions to use the tool provided by The last dpcm that sets the minimum level of security and leaves it to the governors to tighten the links even more when necessary.
Coronavirus, Val d’Aosta declares three municipalities red zones: “Infections grow after the holidays”
Respect distance and hygiene
But the invitation is not addressed only to the institutions: “The population is called upon to respect with conscience and precision all the foreseen precautionary norms,” reads the weekly monitoring. In particular, it is recommended to respect the physical spacing and the correct and adequate use of the masks and also to “avoid as far as possible situations that could favor transmission such as spontaneous and programmed aggregations to avoid further deterioration that could require generalized territorial restrictions. “. For the control room, which has anticipated the report that usually circulates on Fridays to date, there is “evidence of critical issues in local services and increases in the occupancy rate of beds in intensive care and medical area that risk, in some Regions “. / Autonomous provinces, to reach critical values in the next month ”.
Extensive outbreaks especially in the family environment
In detail, the ministry e Iss We reiterate that the local transmission of the virus, spread throughout the national territory, causes outbreaks, even of considerable size, especially reported in the home and family. It remains essential to maintain a high awareness of the general population about the now evident and more rapid worsening of the epidemiological situation and the importance of continuing to strictly comply with all necessary measures to reduce the risk of transmission.
Taking the temperature is essential at school
There is a slight increase in outbreaks in which transmission may have occurred in the intra-school setting. Therefore, “it remains essential to maintain attention on the measures already in place to prevent intra-school transmission, such as the detection of daily temperature and the procedures for the management of suspected symptomatic cases in the school environment.”
Follow-up remains essential
Next, it is emphasized that the location of the cases and their contacts and the consequent reduction in the time between the onset of infection and isolation “remain fundamental elements for controlling the spread of the infection that is absolutely necessary to pursue”. The increase in outbreaks and cases not associated with chains of transmission highlights the criticality in the commitment of local services to ensure that outbreaks present are identified and investigated promptly. Therefore, it is considered important to promote local services, through the extraordinary involvement of professional support resources and also through the use of technological tools such as the Immune App, in the activities of diagnosis and investigation of contacts in order to identify all chains of transmission and ensure efficient management, including quarantine of close contacts and immediate isolation of secondary cases. ”
Protect vulnerable people
Next, the importance of the proper use of diagnostic and screening tools is reiterated, in the context of an epidemiological risk assessment, and of the correct execution of isolation and quarantine procedures when indicated ”. And obviously “the need to comply with the quarantine measures and other measures recommended by the health authorities is reiterated, both for people who return from the countries for which the quarantine is planned, and at the request of the health authority. having been identified as close contacts of a case “.
The “important warning signs linked to an increase in transmission” lead to the emergence of a new epidemiological phase with “an aggravation of the work of local services that could soon be reflected in an overload of health care services.” Hence the renewed appeal to the population to pay special attention to the risk of contagion “in particular towards the most vulnerable groups of the population.”