Liguria. The diagnostic revolution for identify coronavirus cases with an ultra-rapid test that allows you to obtain the result in just 3 minutes with departures from Liguria, precisely from Genoa.
The new test that allows to establish practically the positivity or not to the virus in real time It has been successfully tested in recent weeks at the San Martino hospital where it has proven to be 97.6% reliable. So will Genoa – l’Asl3 – will be the first Italian city to introduce the new technology.
“It is a new Korean technology and we have recently signed a distribution contract in Italy,” explains Fabio Benzi, account manager of Arrow Diagnostics, the Genoese company that first marketed it in Italy and will soon move to the old headquarters. Esaote in Sestri Ponente -. This is a coronavirus antigen detection system. The novelty of this system, in addition to the great sensitivity and specificity, is the speed: in 3 minutes we can give the positive and negative result of the swab “.
The operation is simple: Sampling is done using a traditional swab that is inserted into a test tube with its transport liquid and shaken. A drop of this liquid is inserted into a special card, the size of an ATM. This card is placed in the instrument that automatically, in 3 minutes, gives the result. The machine is capable of processing a maximum of 58 swabs in an hour, almost one per minute.
“It is a step further, we are proud that Genoa is one of the first to use this tool – commented the President of Liguria Giovanni toti -. Waiting even 25 minutes on the ducts and trails can seem like forever, know in three minutes what your medical condition is Not only a further increase in detection, but also something that finds the comfort of those who undergo this type of control ”.
“We define it as ultra-fast because 3 minutes from the moment of the nasal swab to the result is really in real time. It is a tool that recognizes in the simplicity of execution and especially in the speed of the result a really useful aid in this phase in which many times and willingly early diagnosis helps a lot to block the spread of the virus ”, adds Giancarlo Icardi , San Martino hygiene director who coordinated the experimental phase.
“The assessment we made at the San Martino polyclinic – continues Icardi – shows 97.6% agreement with molecular buffer. If we then divide the results between positive and negative, with the negative it has a 100% agreement, in general it has a very important predictive value to say that a subject is not infected. If instead we evaluate it in positive molecular swabs, the concordance is close to 94%, so here we also talk about many things because it allows us to filter very fast in real time “.
For now in Liguria we start from Asl 3. The new system is already active since yesterday at the free buffer point of Villa Bombrini in Cornigliano and in the coming days it will spread throughout the Genoese territory, in particular in the emergency room, ambulances, detection sites. The company will provide the test reading devices at no charge, on loan for use, while the kits will be sold at the normal market price for swabs. “They will be acquired by our regional health care – Toti confirms -. It will be a tool that is added and so on, it will replace the current antigenics. But certainly, for the time being, the entire range of instruments will remain in the field. “
Arrow Diagnostics is a Genoese company founded in 2003, active in the field of biomedical diagnostics, which was recently taken over by the Korean Seegene, of which it became a subsidiary. The ultra-fast system was developed by another Korean company, NanoEntek. “The manufacturer has assured us a few hundred machines and millions of tests per month, we already have 150 machines available – explains the managing director Gianluigi Mascarino – and that is why our policy is to offer it for free use”.