Coronavirus, the places in hospitals are no longer enough: the “spaceship” reopens at the Fair


It is a coronavirus emergency. And the Fiera hospital in Milan will reopen together with the Bergamo field health center. This was decided by the Lombardy Region on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 21.

The structures will reopen “in the next few days and will guarantee the Lombard system the first 201 additional intensive care beds, which will be gradually occupied,” declared Governor Fontana and Councilor for Social Welfare Giulio Gallera in a joint note.

“The current rapidly evolving epidemiological situation,” explained President Fontana, “makes it necessary to adopt extraordinary organizational measures to improve the healthcare offer of beds for the Covid emergency, while trying to ensure adequate care for patients. suffering from other pathologies “.

Ospedale in Fiera: how it will be managed

The activation of the temporary health facilities foresees the collaboration between the Irccs Ca ‘Granda Polyclinic Foundation and the Ente Fiera Foundation for the reality of Milan and between Asst Papa Giovanni XXII and the Ente Fiera for that of Bergamo, with the participation of ATS Reference .

“In Milan, the first 153 beds for intensive care are currently being activated,” explains Councilor Gallera, “divided into 4 modules with 14 seats, 3 with 16 seats and 7 with 7 seats. In Bergamo, on the other hand, 4 modules of 12 places. This new availability will deal with the saturation status of the ‘Covid’ intensive care units in hospitals ”.

“The complex characteristics of the patients who will be admitted to these health establishments,” added Gallera, “require very particular and sophisticated clinical care. For this reason, the operators of the Lombardy Hub hospitals that will ‘adopt’ will be involved in the implementation of this project one or more modules of the fair’s hospitals “.

The management of the healthcare activities in the different modules of the Milan Fair is entrusted to the Policlinico, Niguarda, San Gerardo Monza, San Matteo Pavia, Varese, Legnano / Busto and Humanitas hospitals. The hospitals of Lecco / Como, Grupo San Donato and Cremona will participate in a later phase.

For the Bergamo Fair, two modules will be managed by the Hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII and two by the “Spedali Civili” of Brescia. “These Hubs – Gallera pointed out – will guarantee the H24 presence of medical, nursing and support teams for the care needs of patients in the corresponding module. The ‘Hubs’, in turn, will be supported by the related ‘Spoke’ hospitals to manage the personnel of the medical and health professions in their internal departments and may proceed, where appropriate, to new hires “.

“The entire Lombardy system – let the Region know – is working in unison to face this new phase of the Coronavirus emergency, both in support of the hospital network and for the benefit of the territorial one, through a greater strengthening of the execution of swabs ”.

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The hospital at the fair: the numbers

Installed in 4 weeks and officially inaugurated on March 31, the Hospital de la Fiera became operational for the first patients the following week, on April 6. They were dramatic days, warned Governor Attilio Fontana: “We are close to the moment when we will no longer have beds in intensive care.” Then, the effect of the blockade made it possible to stop the wave of floods. And the facility has been inactive since June 9, when the last patient was discharged.
