Coronavirus, the petition “Commissariare la Lombardia” flies and unleashes social discussion


A massive mass of tweets and an increasing number of signatures. Launched yesterday by Milan 2030, the petition calling for the establishment of a commissioner ad acta for Lombard’s health, nears the goal of 35,000 signatures less than two days after launch, and has sparked social discussion, with tens of thousands of tweets linked to #commissariatelalombardia hashtag .

“The fragmentation of territorial assistance, the decision to transfer patients from Covid19 to RSA, the limited participation of private health care left free to choose whether to collaborate and how to collaborate, the figures, limited to the limits of the ridiculous , from the regional budget for emergency management, to make Lombardy the area of ​​the world with the highest rate of cases and deaths, with a very serious price for health personnel, general practitioners and guests of assisted living, “reads the text of the petition presented on Platform and promoted by the group that brings together associations, movements and parties of the Milanese left.


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The criticisms are directed at the so-called “Lombard health model”, which according to the petitioners has resulted in a progressive dismantling of public health in favor of private health thanks to regionalization, considered the main cause of the coordination difficulties that hampered the timely management of coronavirus emergencies.

In reproduction ….

The weakness of the Lombard model was also mentioned. Roberto Saviano in an intervention in the French newspaper Le Monde.


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“The virus case fatality rate in Lombardy is primarily the result of bankruptcy decisions made by a mediocre ruling class, which would have to be immediately overridden if there were not a dramatic emergency,” writes Saviano, adding: “But while today the sirens of Ambulances still cover the voices of family members of people who died due to a series of mistakes that have aggravated the disruptive effect of the infection, soon it will be time to judge those who have failed in their duties ” .

As expected, the debate is slowing down on Twitter, where the hashtags #commissariarelalombardia and #commissariatelalombardia are processing tens of thousands of outraged responses and comments. Defense of the president’s actions. Attilio Fontana and the councilor of welfare Giulio Gallera (but also from its predecessors) is relegated to a minority stake.

The psychologist and activist Barbara Collevecchio He writes: “They made you believe that your enemy was the immigrant, then the Neapolitan or the one who came from the south. Then they left you alone at home sick, they let your elders die. Open your eyes, the enemies are them.”

The rapper echoes him Frankie Hi-nrg, which concludes “With a #Gallera councilman who continues to pat himself on the back, while refusing to say that the increasingly contagious people in my region do the job, the request from #CommissariateLaLombardia is the least that can be done” .
