Puglia today exceeds 6,000 positives today: practically double compared to the peak of the first wave, reached on May 3 when there were 2,955 before the decline. And the Region is particularly concerned about the Tarantino.
There are 485 new cases of covid-19 infection compared to the 5,651 swabs made, according to data published by the Region on the coronavirus in the October 22 bulletin. Those infected are divided as follows: 178 in the province of Bari, 22 in the province of Brindisi, 53 in the province of BAT, 132 in the province of Foggia, 19 in the province of Lecce, 83 in the province of Taranto .
These include 2 already counted in the last days and placed among those to be assigned. are confirmed. The high number of cases today is also supported by the steady increase in positives in the province of Taranto. Currently, the situation in the area is under control thanks to the enormous effort of resources made by the prevention departments. Our appeal remains strong to avoid any possibility of contagion in the family and work context ”.
Coronavirus, in Puglia absence lessons for 120 thousand high school students

The increasing number of positive aspects has led the Region to decide, with a new ordinance, to return to distance education for students from third to fifth grade (as of October 26). It will be precisely the schools that indicate the most used public transport routes for which an extension is necessary. In addition, public and private entrepreneurs, with the exception of health and essential public services, were invited to promote agile work and staggering of employee entries to the maximum.
Covid, at the Policlinico di Bari 100 more beds dedicated to emergencies; “Significant increase in the number of hospitalizations”

A death in the province of Bari brings the total number of victims to 645, while with 196 cured plus the negative number rises to 5,886. With these figures, the positives currently (total of cases less deaths and cured) reach 6,279, of which 498 are hospitalized. In this sense, the Bari Polyclinic has decided to make 100 additional beds available for the Covid emergency. “A part of these places, identified as emergency areas in the Polyclinic plan, are already available because the Polyclinic in recent days had brought general availability to 165 places (130 for Covid medicine and 35 for Resuscitation). – They write from ‘hospital of the capital – In the Balestrazzi pavilion about 50 new beds will be equipped. The operating units of the pavilion will be compacted in the Surgeries located in Asclepios ”.