Coronavirus, the Oxford vaccine generates a strong immune response in the elderly –


The Covid vaccine developed by the University of Oxford, in collaboration with the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca generates a strong immune response among the elderly, the most vulnerable group: what Financial times, speaking of the hopes generated by the trials. The clinical trials of this vaccine are in Phase 3, the (final) that verifies the efficacy and safety of the candidate in thousands of people.

The good news

Two sources cited by the newspaper as having knowledge of the ongoing studies, argued that the vaccine in question generates antibodies and so-called T lymphocytes (the first line of defense of the immune system) among the elderly. It would be important because generally the immune system of the elderly is less reactive, so much so that improved vaccines are generally studied specifically for them. The new results are in line with data published in July that showed robust immune responses, in a group of healthy adults aged 18 to 55, generated by the vaccine developed by the University of Oxford. The AstraZeneca vaccine is one of three proposed by Europe (and therefore by Italy). the Jenner Institute University of Oxford is developing the vaccine in partnership with Irbm (Research Institute for Molecular Biology) of Pomezia: In Phase 1 trials already published, the vaccine showed an efficacy of 90% that with a booster can reach 95% said Piero Di Lorenzo, president of the Irbm.


The data is preliminary, unpublished and in any case we have to wait for Phase 3 to conclude. Meanwhile, the European Medicines Agency (Ema) has begun to analyze the data provided by the manufacturer to give its approval quickly before putting the vaccine on the market . The Oxford vaccine route had suffered a break in September after a adverse reaction of a participant. Then the studies were resumed first in Great Britain and then around the world (United States, Brazil, South Africa). Regulatory agencies usually take months to examine documents in detail: there are two types of approval / registration for a vaccine, the classic and then the emergency. If the pandemic continues to escalate in late November, approval could also come in a few weeks, that in a very short time. If there was an approval for emergency use, quickly, vaccine registration could take place in Januaryhe told al Health messenger Sergio Abrignani, immunologist, professor of General Pathology at the Milan State University and director of the National Institute of Molecular Genetics “Romeo and Enrica Invernizzi”, explaining the process that vaccines now follow (in this case that of Pfizer). Having a vaccine before the end of the year, remember, does not mean that the entire population will be vaccinated immediately. Italy will have a few million doses available for people at risk and health professionals, but to finish the first vaccines it may take until spring, therefore, a winter that still has to be faced with responsibility and care.

October 26, 2020 (change October 26, 2020 | 13:50)

