“Only with red zones and the total blocking of non-essential services can the acceleration of the pandemic be slowed down.” The Board of Directors of the Order of Physicians and Dentists of the Aosta Valley unanimously shares the concerns expressed by the National President of the Federation. “We are aware of the economic and social consequences of these restrictions, but we all know how much sometimes it is necessary to suffer to save a life ”.
The President of the Order, Roberto Rosset, compiles some data on our region: 2,082 people in home isolation, 159 people hospitalized with symptoms, 3.5% of the population is infected “, more than in Milan and Monza (3%) . and much more than in all the other Italian provinces “. The hospital, saturated, “can no longer carry out its usual activities due to the lack of personnel prior to the pandemic wave and due to the number of infected operators. We have one Intensive care 75% saturated when the Ministry of Health indicates 30% as a critical threshold “.
Then the order of the doctors points the finger at Deffeyes Square. “We had dedicated time and energy to that Control room coordinated by Prof. Balduzzi and Prof. Faggiano that the Valle d’Aosta Region had wanted and that had given the last Regional Administration precise indications, as mandated, on July 31 last ”. – recalls the Regional Medical College – “Perhaps, however, the Aosta Valley Region has lacked time to follow all the indications of the Control Room because viruses run much faster than administrative systems and their bureaucracies.”