Coronavirus, the nightmare returns to Lombardy. In hospitals it is already alert – Chronicle


More than two thousand new positives and 26 deaths in the last 24 hours: in Lombardy the Coronavirus infection runs, in fact gallops. In particular in Milan and its interior. A trend that is being confirmed. In detail, yesterday 2,067 new positives were recorded in Lombardy (223 more than on Wednesday) and of them 808 are between 25 and 49 years old, 39%. More than half of the cases are concentrated in the Milan metropolitan area: 1,053, of which 515 in the city. The percentage of positives for swabs (32,507, an unprecedented number) is 6.3%. Hospitalizations for coronavirus amounted to 726 in the region, 81 more in the last 24 hours. To these we must add …

More than two thousand new positives and 26 deaths in the last 24 hours: in Lombardy contagion of Coronavirus he runs, actually gallops. In particular a Milan and interior. A trend that is being confirmed. In detail, yesterday 2,067 new positives were recorded in Lombardy (223 more than on Wednesday) and of them 808 are between 25 and 49 years old, 39%. More than half of the cases are concentrated in the metropolitan area of ​​Milan: 1,053, of which 515 in the city. The percentage of positives about tampons (32,507, unprecedented number) is from 6.3%. Hospitalizations for coronavirus amounted to 726 in the region, 81 more in the last 24 hours. To these must be added the 72 patients admitted to intensive care, 53 of whom intubated. The most worrying thing is thatRt, the indicator of the strength of the virus, is beyond 2: each positive infects two people.

Gimbe Foundation, Covid cases doubled and hospitalization boom in a week

Numbers that in the hospitals Lombardy triggered the first of four alert levels provided by the Region. That is to say: 150 intensive care beds, 400 sub-intensive care beds and another thousand in the wards are currently used exclusively for the management of the Covid emergency, for a total of 1,550. In the 151st hospitalization in intensive care, the reopening of the two Covid wards established during the confinement in Milan Fair and in that of Bergamo. Yesterday the emergency services of the hospitals Sacco me Fatebenefratelli of Milan However, they decided to accept only positive for Coronavirus and divert patients with other diseases to other hospitals. A decision aimed at protecting non-Covid patients with urgent and irrelevant pathologies and reorganizing departments. Yesterday the mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Room, met the prefect Renato Saccone and a working group of virologists and doctors. Attilio Fontana, President of the Lombardy Region, reiterated the ban on visits by outsiders, including relatives of patients, in the social and health structures of Lombardy and today convened the mayors of the capitals, as well as the regional CTS. Saccone will also be at the meeting. In sight one close Beyond public places, from bars to restaurants and nightlife venues.

Milan, only Covid patients in Sacco and Fatebenefratelli

The will is not to touch, for now, basic services such as school. “To date we do not foresee radical interventions, but decisions must be taken quickly,” Sala said after the meeting with the prefect. “We are concerned about the situation in hospitals, currently 72 people in intensive care, there is rapid growth and you have to act quickly ”. Collaboration with the Region is necessary: ​​“We set the goal of finding a direction tomorrow (ed today) – confirms Sala – because it is the same doctors who say that we must intervene. To say this is, in particular, Vittorio Demicheli, director Milan Ats doctor: “If we are fast we can still take more restrictive measures without blocking everything. But everyone has to give up something. I hope decisions are made now that help protect Milan. It is a metropolis and we are seeing what happens in other European metropolises ”.

Also read: Coronavirus: schools closed in Campania until October 31. Furious Azzolina
