Coronavirus, the newsletter for December 16


The daily update bulletin on the coronavirus outbreak reports today 17,572 new cases, detected in 199,489 processed swabs. Against 34,495 cured, but also 680, positives currently remain low compared to the previous 24 hours, reaching 645,706. The pressure on the country’s hospitals continues to decrease, where today there are 522 fewer hospitalized in Covid wards and 77 fewer patients in intensive care. Compared to last week, it is important to report a clear increase in tampons, which were 118,475 last Wednesday. In light of this, there has also been an increase in cases from 12,756 a week ago. However, in the face of an increase in cases, there has been a reduction in the incidence of new tests, which today is 22.25% while a week ago it was 25.05%. However, compared to last Wednesday, there are almost 200 more deaths today.

Increases of intensive therapy at the regional level today they are very limited. The region with the highest increase is Molise, with two new patients. Campania, Veneto, Calabria, Umbria and Valle d’Aosta, on the other hand, reported 1 more patient than yesterday’s bulletin. Lombardy continues to reduce the pressure on intensive care and this is demonstrated in 27 fewer patients than in the previous newsletter, despite 18 new entries today. Puglia and Veneto, despite having respectively 42 and 31 entries in regional intensive care, did not register changes compared to yesterday’s bulletin. Lazio, which is one of the regions with the highest number of entries, also reduces the pressure on intensive care units, as evidenced by the negative balance of 18 fewer hospitalized patients than the previous day. The Campania region has not yet managed to enter the intensive care input data in the national bulletin, reporting only the overall balance.

Unfortunately they remain above 100 i deceased Lombardy (106), although in sharp decline compared to the previous days. Piedmont recorded 89 victims in today’s bulletin, while Veneto 77. Tuscany recorded 47 deaths in 24 hours, while Puglia 45. Lazio and Friuli Venezia Giulia marked the same number of deaths in the daily coronavirus bulletin, 40, while Campania recorded 34.

Now government decisions are expected for the next Christmas holidays. Now it seems certain there will be more narrow to reduce the circulation of the coronavirus during the days of greatest risk of accumulation: the hypotheses are those of an orange zone or a general red zone.
