Coronavirus, the new restrictions: from masks to quarantine days. What does the school care?



A new Decree of the Prime Minister will be signed tomorrow, except for setbacks. This is what Premier Conte intended on the calendar, while in these hours the content of this new repression will be better defined, which will affect especially the private sphere of people.

Meetings and curfews

Stop gatherings outside of bari, wineries, pubs and restaurants, with the premises closing at midnight and prohibition of the sale of alcohol and take away at 21. As well as, total blocking of parties in public and private places, limits to diners in restaurants and prohibition or limits on home meetings. This last point will be decided in the next few hours. Ceiling of thirty people for guests to weddings, baptisms and confirmations. For religious celebrations the rules are different.


Stop at amateur contact sports: soccer, basketball, volleyball and the like. Save sports where contact is not necessary, from tennis to cycling.

Smart work

More remote work to reduce the number of people using public transport and meetings within offices.


It will be increased to 10 days, no more to 14, for those who have been in contact with infected people. These are the ones who remain under observation to see if they develop the disease. However, the quarantine time for those who contracted the virus remains unchanged.

Public transport

Disposable gloves, masks, capacity reduction: these are some of the measures that could be contained in the new DPCM and that will be outlined in the final version in the next few hours.


School is one of the sectors, together with work, that will not be subject to blockade, as anticipated Minister Boccia

The impact on infections is not yet considered alarming.

The data collected by the Ministry refer to:

  • 348 cases among students
  • 144 cases among non-teaching staff
  • 402 cases among teachers

There will be no changes in the use of masks, as well as the rest of the security measures. See also “In class you can lend pens, notebooks and books, just disinfect your hands”

Among the measures contained in the next DPCM, however, there could be a preferential route for the treatment of suspected cases of contagion in schools.

A faster procedure in the ASL for the management of symptomatic cases that would allow a greater opportunity in the response of the Prevention departments to the schools, as well as use of rapid salivary tests to speed up screening operations.

