Coronavirus, the new Dpcm expected for October 7: new government squeeze


(Teleborsa) – Control service of thearmy in places of greater aggregation, obligation to mask exterior extended to the entire national territory, early closure of the premises, updating of the list of Countries at risk, new limits of participation at public and private events.

These are some of the measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 to be inserted into the new Dpcm – expected by October 7 – under consideration of the Government. The jump in infections of more than 2,500 daily cases registered last week has raised to the maximum the level of attention in fact of the top executives who are preparing for a tightening of the measures to combat the Coronavirus.

Confirm the Three rules fundamental – use of the mask, social distancing and frequent hand washing – in the new provision of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the obligation to wear a mask outdoors will also find space, at least in those places where it is more difficult to maintain spacing. The measure is already planned in some Regions such as Campania and Lazio but could be extended to the entire national territory with Many from 500 to 3,000 euros for offenders.

In the front, the green light of the Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese, the use of the army to improve surveillance in the framework of the operation “Safe paths“Right in the places of greatest aggregation.

Excluding the blanket shutdown – in all likelihood, if necessary, the curfew will be imposed in limited parts of the territory where major outbreaks of infections will be found – however, the government is studying new limits Schedule of closure public places that could be brought forward at 10 pm or 11 pm (no official indication yet) to avoid crowds. The new limits and rules could affect parties private while the entrance to shops and restaurants remains restricted. Confirmed closing of discos.

Regarding citizen participation in outdoor or indoor events, in the new Dpcm the Government is preparing to toughen the ordinances already established at the regional level: a maximum of 1,000 people per sample me demonstrations sports or in the square, which in any case must maintain a distance of one meter. For indoor events (movie theater, theaters, concert halls), however, the limit will be imposed on 200 people. A similar measure is also evaluated for i wedding.

Finally, the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and the Scientific Technical Committee are pushing for the list of countries at risk to be updated: they will most likely remain there Spain me France while the possibility of opening to travel from Greece given the decrease in infections found in the Hellenic peninsula. On the other hand, the measures related to safety in airplanes, ships and trains and the limit of 80% of the capacity for the transport public place.

