
Rezza, Expert in the Control Room: A meeting earlier? I don’t think so. “Giani is now cautious:” They decide. “And the idea of an ad hoc ordinance for restaurateurs disappears
FLORENCE. “Ah no, I don’t think so, I don’t think so.” A dispute that has been going on for two weeks could end here in the space of seven words. Giovanni Rezza is one of the key men in the control room that Eugenio Giani would have liked to meet yesterday or, at the latest, today to assess an early passage from Tuscany to the yellow zone. Here, when he answers the phone, the director general of the Department of Prevention of the Ministry of Health has recently initiated one of the decisive video calls with the Scientific Technical Committee to decide how and with what measures to implement the national closure at Christmas. He even allows a few seconds to pass before answering those who ask him if in Rome they have taken into account the request of the Tuscan governor, as if the issue were now something lunar, astonished that it can still be discussed.
It is no coincidence that Giani, although he returns to the attack demanding “data from the yellow zone”, begins the day with caution: “I trust them, they decide: it is useless to take actions that later compromise the transparency and correctness of the dialogue”, says at the inauguration of a new drive-through in Sesto Fiorentino. A clear reference to those who for days, mayors and restaurateurs, have asked him to pass an ordinance on the model of Marsilio in Abruzzo that unhinges the mechanism of colors and In fact, it allows the premises to open against the rules set by the government with the Dpcm. “I think that in the interests of the Tuscans and Tuscany we must relate bringing the data and waiting for their decisions.” He does not want to escape forward. Also because they would not serve and in any case they would collapse a minute later, as happened in Abruzzo, where the government has contested the Region’s supply and the TAR has blocked it. Ultimately, the line now is not just that of wait, but also seems resigned. After all, the governor sent a dossier to Rome that traces the figures of last week’s follow-up and tries to dismantle point by point the reasons that convinced the control room to confirm the orange, but that there are no good ones in the air. The news is understood by many clues.
The national squeeze from the morning seems sure. The generalized closure, although decided by the wave of crowd images in the commercial streets that are seen in all the cities of the country, seems less bitter in the eyes of the public opinion with the example of Angela Merkel. And so the rigor of a new confinement would not only collide with an extension of the shirts granted the regionBut it would run the risk of causing a diplomatic short-circuit with those excluded from preferential treatment. Why not anticipate Campania? And why not have done it with Piedmont and Lombardy? Apart from the “reckoning” or “political spite” to which Dario Nardella alludes as a possible reason for not advancing the yellow zone. If Minister Roberto Speranza granted it to Tuscany, the center-right would scream about the mess between the Giallorossi government and the red region. It’s no coincidence that Speranza doesn’t make herself heard with Giani all day. In fact, what emerges from the ministry goes precisely in the opposite direction to the president’s expectations. There will be no breakthrough. The control room will meet on Friday and Tuscany will go into the yellow zone on Sunday the 20th. “No, I really don’t think there is a breakthrough for now,” Rezza repeats. There would not even be time, given that the latest data to compose the follow-up arrives at the Higher Institute of Health on Wednesday night.
In fact, at the government table, among the strategies that have been taken into account to cool the curve, there is also that of beginning to tighten the measures as of the weekend of 19-20. Therefore, Tuscany would run the risk of turning yellow without really being one, at least on one of the crucial days to give oxygen to restaurants and bars. And even Giani has understood that another offensive could poison the weather. So no further push, just wishes. “Basically, we will have to engage with the government and the color system for the next 5 months.” If there was a rift, the other regions would open it up. Hope could decide to anticipate the control room not to loosen but to tighten and bring orange Veneto, Piedmont, Emilia, which have clearly deteriorated data.
Today Giani will meet with Confesercenti and Confcommercio and explain to them not only that he cannot approve an order but also that the Region does not have the funds to organize refreshments. Those that Nardella asks the government, almost pointing the way to Giani, inviting him to follow Merkel’s model, who “together with the blockade has launched strong aid to the economy.”