ANCONA – The Marches register today (December 1, 2020) another 13 deaths, the long list of victims of the Covid pandemic thus reaches 1,289. Of the 13 victims reported today by the Marche Region, six are men and seven women, the age ranges between 70 and 96 years.

The number of people hospitalized for Covid-19 in Marche has remained unchanged in the last 24 hours, that is, 672. Five fewer patients have been registered in semi-intensive care (from 150 to 145), one less in Care Intensive (from 87 to 86) and instead six more in non-intensive rooms (from 435 to 441). The guests of territorial structures increased (from 216 to 230, +14) while the patients in the emergency room that were not counted among the hospitalizations decreased (from 28 to 18, -10). The number of positives in home isolation continues to increase (from 17,244 to 17,532, +288) while the number of isolations by mere contact with infected people decreases, from 16,118 to 16,024 (-94) of which 3,622 with symptoms and 586 workers from health. The healed grow from 10,626 to 10,663.
Last updated: 19:09