Between leaks forward, cautious reopens and reverse gears, Italy prepares to face Monday, May 4beginning of Phase 2. At the national level, the rules are clear enough after the “questions and answers” published yesterday on the government’s website. After two months of blockade, the automotive sector, the manufacturingfashion textile and me construction sites and wholesaler and retailer of flowers and plants, for a total, according to i Labor consultants, of 4.4 million workers. In addition, you can meet the “relatives” and there is a green light for walks, but only if it is “strictly necessary”, and only for motor activity “not only near the house”. However, the Regions remain anything but aligned. On Sunday, some governors issued new ordinances after those passed in recent days. And the rules change not a little: for example, in Lombardy solo sailing is allowed, while Ligurians can go by boat in two, as long as they live together. In the other Regions, it is only possible to carry out maintenance activities, but it is not explicitly allowed to use the ship.
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Coronavirus, Campania authorizes walks, Sardinia reopens churches for functions. All the provisions and distinctions of the Regions.
Lombardy: yes to solo sailing – Green light for sports and individual motor activities in the name of distancing and with the obligation to wear the mask (or the alternative cap of the mouth and nose) not during, but before and after sports, in any case doing Maximum attention not to know other people. Me horse riding, dog training and fishing (sport and others) throughout the region. Green light also for the achievement of the second houses, exclusively for maintenance reasons and for the works of maintenance and repair of boats and boats, with the possibility of solo sailing. These are the main indications contained in the signature order of the President of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, in force tomorrow. For production activities that remain suspended, it will still be possible to access the facilities for sanitation activities. Instead, confirm everything restrictions against gambling on slot machines.
Liguria: yes to boat trips for couples – The new order of the governor Giovanni Toti among other things, it allows outdoor walks individually or with cohabitants, boat trips for up to two people living together, motor activities such as running, the use of bicyclethe excursion, windsurfing, canoeing and rowing, the achievement of the second houses or campers but with a return within the day, the maintenance of the boats. To shop or buy ready-to-eat meals, you can leave the city of residence. Allow the sale of children’s shoesi, the grooming of pets, the cultivation of agricultural land for self-consumption, the training of dogs and horses. Yes to the movement of several people by car on the condition that they live together.
Veneto: obligation to wear a mask outside the home but not if you run. Yes to accommodation on the beach – Visits to relatives are allowed from tomorrow in Veneto throughout the region, according to the Dpcm in force at the national level. The new ordinance signed by the president provides for this Luca Zaia which will take effect from May 4 to 17. The provision also states that “is the use of a mask is mandatory, or other tool to cover the nose and mouth, and gloves, or disinfectant “every time you leave the house. Only children under 6 and disabled people are excluded. A special indication refers to i runner: During intense motor activity “the use of a mask is not mandatory”, however it should be carried with you and placed in the mouth and nose as soon as the speed of your run and walk decreases. in buses and trains Both the mask and the distance of one meter are required. Buses will be able to reach a capacity of a third of the maximum, trains of half.
The distributors of the Beaches beach renovation activities may begin in view of the upcoming summer season. Works are also allowed for the provision of “green and natural areas, public and private.” Similarly, citizens are allowed to go out of the ordinary to care for “orchards, farmland and forests for cultivation activities for self-consumption by the owners. “In indoor or outdoor sports facilities, including swimming poolsTraining will be possible for athletes, even those who practice team sports, respecting a distance of two meters.
Friuli Venezia Giulia: sports also for couples, hunting and fishing – Similar to Venetian, the new ordinance of Massimiliano Fedriga for Friuli Venezia Giulia. Motor activity can also be carried out in pairs and with family members, keeping safety distances and with the prohibition to use the changing rooms, but the obligation to stay in the municipality of residence and wear masks (or a protection for the nose and mouth) in isolated places. Green light also for workouts individually of professional and non-professional athletes, even with the instructor, without distinction between individual and team disciplines. Permitted, also by the owners, the activities of maintenance and repair of boats, bicycles, motorhomes, caravans and second homes, as well as the maintenance of green areas in public and private areas, including concession areas such as beaches and bathing establishments, in addition to the supply of wood for self-consumption. The methods and hours of access to cemeteries will be defined by the municipalities. Amateur sport fishing, “individual” team hunting, training and animal training are permitted.
Tuscany: yes to amateur fishing even for two, takeaway also for farms – Do not go back to Tuscany to the second houses used for holidays. This is confirmed with a new ordinance signed by Governor Enrico Rossi. The return to their home, home or residence “is allowed only for those who have their general practitioner or family pediatrician in the regional territory.” For those residing in Tuscany, it is possible to reach second residences, campers, caravans or other devices for maintenance and repair activities: the movement must be exclusively individual, limited to the regional territory and with the obligation to return within the day. Yes, then to sports but only individually: you can move in the regional territory, with their own means of transportation, but returning within the day and respecting an interpersonal distance of at least 2 meters. The same distance must be respected for physical activity, on foot or by bicycle, with departure and return to your home without using other means of transportation.
Agricultural and forestry activities are allowed, both regionally and on property parcels, with only one movement per day and return within the day. Yes to the training and breeding of horses and dogs, within the regional territory and with the obligation to return within the day. Tuscany then gives the go-ahead to animal grooming activities, with prior reservation. Sports and sports boats can be used. amateur fishing but there cannot be more than two on board and go back to the bunk in the day. All activities necessary to ensure the maintenance and storage chain of recreational craft are permitted. Yes, then takeaways for food and beverage management companies, craft activities, and also farms, with recommended online or phone orders and pickup by appointment.
Lazio: yes to the sale of children’s shoes and animal training – After the local public transport ordinance, the Lazio Region issued another Saturday that defines the activities that will reopen on Monday. In all places open to the public indoors there will be an obligation to wear a mask. It will be allowed sale of children’s footwear, You can resume the activity of restorers in the pipe, the hairdressers of pets and also training of animals, without prejudice to compliance with security measures. It is also allowed beach and lake operators to maintain, monitor, clean and disinfect spaces, including beaches, and also to establish removable structures. The activities of the Fondi fruit and vegetable market and the Rom agri-food centerIt can be resumed by measuring the temperature at the entrances, the obligation to wear gloves and masks for workers, the weekly closing of one day to carry out the disinfection, as well as the disinfection of the environments managed by the individual operators. Measures are also foreseen for naval building and for the maintenance and movement of boats. the centers for the disabledIn order to reopen, they must comply with security measures and adopt the regional territorial plan, and communicate everything to the municipality and the local health authority.
Abruzzo: those who come from outside the Region must check the temperature every day – The ordinance signed in the afternoon by the Governor of Abruzzo Marco Marsilio establishes “that all persons who, for whatever reason, are present in the Abruzzo region (residents and non-residents) must use, for the next 15 days or until a different order, use the mask also in open spaces, where social distances cannot be maintained “. The provision also states that all persons from other regions are obliged, for 15 days, “to daily monitoring of your body temperature and immediately notify the territorially competent Siesp of any temperature above 37.5; to maintain the space of at least one meter and the use of the mask and hand hygiene, even in public areas open to the public in the regional territory, as well as in closed spaces and in the home. “They are exempt from the obligation children under 6 years and disabled people with illnesses incompatible with the continuous use of the mask.
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Coronavirus, here is the new certification for phase 2 published on the website of the Ministry of the Interior and downloadable