Coronavirus, the Health Coordinator disappears from the Emergency Support Unit


It is difficult to establish to what extent forgetting is more or less random. The fact is that the Health Coordinator Luca Montagnani formally it is not part of the Support and Coordination Unit for the Covid 19 emergency.

It all started with the highly contested Law 11 on reopening, presented by the Liga VdA and later modified by the Commission. The rule, on which Montagnani himself expressed criticism in recent days, ends up in the sights of the Carroccio, but not only, it establishes the Support and Coordination Unit for the Covid-19 emergency. The working group, created at the end of October by an order from the President of the Region, it is now formalized by law, which also outlines its tasks.

The Support and Coordination Unit must assist the President of the Region and the other actors involved in activities and decisions of a strategic and operational nature related to emergency management, promoting the best connection and the best synergies between all internal and external subjects. . to the Region, to provide support in legislative, legal, health and organizational matters; evaluate the improvement measures in the emergency management and the organization and propose useful measures and measures to counteract and reduce the risk of contagion.

The norm details the components of the Unit: the president of the Region, the health councilor, the president of the CPEL, the mayor of the municipality of Aosta; the Civil Protection Coordinator; the General and Health Director of the USL, a general practitioner with experience in maxi emergencies and any other subject, at the invitation of the President of the Region. However, the list does not include Health coordinator, instead, present in the ordinance of last October 30. An oversight? For gossip obviously not. The original Carroccio bill provided for the establishment of one to support the decisions of the President of the Region. Expert Commission composed of five members with recognized experience in their respective fields of expertise, which include epidemiology, virology, statistics, as well as hygiene and public health. The majority did not like the “Cts” in Valle d’Aosta. Hence the proposal, subsequently accepted, to replace it with the support and coordination unit, already operational. However, both the text issued by the competent municipal commission and the one that was later approved in the classroom left out the health coordinator.

The president of the Lavevaz Region tried to correct the error, presumed or such, on December 11, with the order following the entry into force of the reopening law. The event, recalling the establishment of the Support and Coordination Unit, explained how “the work of the Unit is always necessary to participate in the Coordination of health activities.” A piece that only partially covered the hole created. In the last Regional Council the majority had, in fact, to present a reform that modified the law, recently approved, which provides for the possibility that the President of the Region designate a Health coordinator for the Covid-19 emergency and insert this figure, if appointed, among the members of the Support and Coordination Unit.

However, the amendment was blocked by the Lega VdA and canceled because it intervened, together with other members registered by majority, on provisions not present to those linked to the stability law under discussion. The Health Coordinator while he continues to participate in the meetings of the Support and Coordination Unit is, therefore, formally excluded for the time being.
