Coronavirus, the government: ‘There will be no curfew, yes to outdoor masks’ – Politics


The government could ask the Council of Ministers summoned to give the green light to the extension of the state of emergency for tomorrow night (Tuesday, October 6), currently expires on October 15. The meeting could also be postponed to Wednesday night but, according to the prevailing hypothesis at this time, the scheme would be to convene the CDM for tomorrow night and follow the signing of the new Dpcm for new restrictive anti-Covid measures.
Meanwhile, sources at Palazzo Chigi emphasize that “there is no intention on the part of the government to close restaurants, bars and nightclubs as some newspapers claim, or to advance their closing time by introducing a curfew.”

Confirmation of all the anti-contagion measures planned so far, with the introduction of the obligation of outdoor masks. And, for now, there are no new restrictions on production activities.. This is essentially what the new dpcm on Covid will provide, as reported by Ministers Roberto Speranza and Francesco Boccia to the Regions, Municipalities, Provinces. The ministers reiterated a path of maximum distribution in each step: we would again compare if in the future it were necessary to tighten the opening hours of stores or other activities, but the new dpcm, explained the ministers, does not foresee any limitation in this regard.

The new dpcm with the anti-Covid measures should last for thirty days. That is what the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, would have said in his meeting with the Minister Francesco Boccia with the local authorities. The dpcm, Speranza stressed, will arrive only after the confrontation with the Chambers scheduled for tomorrow and a new step with the representatives of the Regions, Municipalities and Provinces. As for the state of emergency, the orientation continues to be to extend it until January 31. Then we will proceed, as in the first phase of the epidemic, with the periodic update of the dpcm.

In the event of a dangerous worsening of Covid 19 infections, the Government could opt for “selective shutdowns”, we read in the draft of the NaDef that will arrive in cdm. “In the risk scenario, unlike what was hypothesized in the trend scenario, the recovery of infections observed from August would worsen significantly in the last months of 2020, which would also lead to the achievement of alert levels in terms of to hospital admissions. the law in the paragraph dedicated to the so-called ‘adverse scenario’ – would induce the Government to reintroduce selective closures of some sectors and measures of social distancing ”.

“We exclude” new confinements “, but to exclude them we must avoid contagions. Precisely because the objective is not to have to return to new confinements, we must put excessive attention and rigor in containing the virus,” said the Minister of Economy. Roberto Gualtieri to RaiNews24.

“The school had no impact on the increase in infections except for residual ones: In the first two weeks, the infected teaching staff is 0.047 percent of the total, the students 0.021 percent, and the Ata staff 0.059 percent. Infections in schools are sporadic cases and have mostly been contracted outside of schools. Everyone is convinced that much more caution is needed in the pre and post school phases. “ Thus the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina. “We remain very cautious but for the moment the data is positive and this obviously comforts everyone,” he said again at the end of a meeting with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Scientific Technical Committee, in which a first assessment was made of the schools reopening.

“The virus is returning, but we are stronger, we have already shown it,” wrote the chancellor on Facebook. Luigi di maio -. And that is why we must not lower our guard. We wear masks and comply with all anti Covid regulations. Let’s show the world who we are. Also because thanks to the civic sense and responsible attitude of Italians we have already overcome this health crisis once ”.

The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Paola De Micheli, responding to a question about transportation in the next Dpcm, he said that “we will assess whether there will be changes to be made also in light of the tests these days, especially in local public transport.” And when asked if he can change the capacity of the buses, he answers “no”, on the sidelines of a conference at CGIL headquarters.

An appeal to the entire population of Milan and, in particular, to young people to wear a mask at this time when infections are increasing. The mayor launches it from his social pages, Giuseppe Sala. “The first question we must ask ourselves is what can we do as mayors, citizens, and the word of the day is a mask – he said -. I pray that they wear the mask, everyone, I say this in particular to young people trying to always be close and understanding, but use it because it is absolutely important. “Sala then added, speaking of the historical moment, that” it is clear that this is life, an anomalous society, but it is life and one who has gone through the most difficult moments tells you so and perhaps that is why he values ​​this anomalous life more. . We are going to protect him. ”
