Coronavirus, the Fvg newsletter of October 15


Today, out of more than 5000 swabs made yesterday, October 14, 136 new Covid-19 infections were detected in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Two deaths are recorded: a man in Udine (born 1954) and another in Pordenone (from the nursing home, born 1943). This was announced by the Deputy Governor responsible for Health, Riccardo Riccardi. People who have tested positive for the virus in the region since the start of the pandemic totaled 5,928, of which: 1,980 in Trieste (41 more than yesterday), 2,037 in Udine (60 more than yesterday), 1,261 in Pordenone (22 more than yesterday) and 621 in Gorizia (12 more than yesterday), to which 29 people from outside the region are added. The current cases of infection are 1,672. The number of patients in intensive care treatment remained stable at 11, while the number of hospitalized in other departments increased to 32. Deaths totaled 358, with the following territorial subdivision: 198 in Trieste, 78 in Udine, 73 in Pordenone and 9 in Gorizia.

The totally cured are 3,898, the clinically cured 25 and the isolated 1,604. In the details of the cases, as far as schools are concerned, there are two positive aspects of Covid at the Deganutti Institute of Udine and two others related to the outbreak of the Moruzzo primary school. In the health sector, the cases of three nurses and one technician were detected at the Giuliano-Isontina company, while a nurse tested positive at the West Friuli health authority. In addition, swab positivity from a Friuli Centrale university health care physician should be recorded. Finally, among today’s cases, 18 are minor. Among these a newborn (Valvasone Arzene family outbreak).

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