The first vaccines against the coronavirus, also in Sicily, will arrive between the end of January and March. In recent days, contacts between the regional health department and the national anti-Covid commissioner, Domenico Arcuri, have intensified to finalize the distribution plan.
There should be 33 – writes Giacinto Pipitone in the Giornale di Sicilia on the newsstands – offices ready to receive the vials and equipped with adequate refrigerators to contain the Pfizer vaccine, which must maintain a temperature of -75 degrees.
The list provided by the Sicilian Region to Arcuri includes the main hospitals in Palermo and Catania, the Sciacca Umbilical Cord Bank and at least one hospital in each province.
The Region speculates that Arcuri will choose three or four offices on the island where to get the doses.
The transportation problem remains to be solved. At the national level, the companies in the sector are all on pre-alert. Surely the Armed Forces will be involved, but in recent days word has spread in the Region that Correos could also play a role by exploiting its privileged media and channels. Although the possibility of Pfizer itself delivering the doses, in packages of about twenty ampoules that can withstand higher temperatures for two weeks, directly to hospitals remains very real. From where the Region will transfer it to the locations where it will be administered. It involves thousands of people a day getting together and, therefore, the drive-in formula or the use of large rooms such as gyms and stadiums could be reactivated. Even if the first phase involves vaccination in hospitals or “mobile units”.
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