Coronavirus, the first positive appears in a school during recovery courses: the entire institute closed


An entire school was closed for a case of Coronavirus. It happened in Verbania, in the most important institute of the city, the ‘Cobianchi‘, where the didactic activity – informs the director, Vincenza Maselli – has been suspended as of today “to allow a sanitization of the premises. The intervention was necessary since a user, who recently entered the Institute, tested positive for the Covid-19 virus“Recovery courses were held at the school beginning on August 26.

“The safety of the students and all the school personnel is, for the Cobianchi institute, priority over any other interest”Maselli executives wrote in the note on the website’s home page. “The reopening of the school will take place when the sanitation works are finished and access can be guaranteed with total security.” The ‘Lorenzo Cobianchi’ of Verbania is an institute founded in 1886, with technical training (Chemistry, Mechanics and Electrotechnics, Information Technologies, Electronics) and baccalaureate degrees: Biological, Human and Social Sciences, Linguistic-Modern and Scientific-Technological.

Sileri, ‘positive case’? Buffer the whole class to go back to the classroom

For a possible positive case of Covid-19 at school, “quarantine is a possibility. But most effective for an early return to school is a swab for the whole class.“. The Vice Minister of Health said: Pierpaolo Sileri, He spoke this morning at ‘Agorà Estate’ on Rai3. “If a student has a fever – Specified Sileri – you have to make the tampon. And if it is positive, the evaluation should be carried out in the classroom. And this applies to school personnel and those in the classroom in close contact with students. “. Regarding teachers with frailty and ability to work from home, “It’s possible – stressed the deputy minister – it had already been established for the protection of fragile workers. Everything is entrusted to the competent ASL doctor “.

Sileri finally remembered being against the mask between 6 and 10 years: “I think that below this age it will be very difficult to use it. But I also think that it is enough to explain to children that this virus exists without scaring them. We can minimize the risk, not reduce it to zero ”.
