Coronavirus, the first 750 thousand fast tampons arrived in Sicily: distribution begins


The first fast tampons arrive in Sicily. The load distribution of 750 thousand tests purchased directly from the Sicily Region, for further investigation of the virus in the context of the pandemic, has already begun in the Asp.

The result with this type of test is obtained in a few minutes, guaranteeing an acceleration of the procedures and thus avoiding possible slowdowns in the health system involved in the emergency. At the disposal of the president of the Nello Musumeci Region, as well as the health authorities the swabs were made available to the Palermo Prisons.

“They will serve – says President Musumeci – to make faster diagnoses of any positivity of the Coronavirus, minimizing the inconvenience in schools and places frequented by many people, such as prisons. Once again, I call on all citizens to respect the indispensable rules and prudence. Asymptomatic and positive people grow and will continue to grow. The more tests we do, the more we will identify. But hospitalization is still low, so we are working correctly in the territories. Let’s not frustrate everything. Sicily cannot stop. “

The acquisition was assumed by the regional department of civil protection, while the distribution was coordinated by the Dasoe of the regional department of health. The next shipment is scheduled for tomorrow.

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