Coronavirus, the document disappeared from the WHO website: ‘Lock? Desperate measure ». Walter Ricciardi is also among the signers


On April 2, 2020, a scientific article was written and then cited in a note in the report published by the WHO on May 13, which remained on the web for just over 24 hours and then disappeared. Among the signatories was also the government consultant Walter Ricciardi who, together with other academics, defined the emergency shutdown – instituted on March 9 against the coronavirus pandemic – a “measure of blind desperation.” The text is titled What other countries can learn from Italy during the pandemic? and it is signed, in addition to Ricciardi, by two other scholars, Stefano Boccia and John PA Ioannidis.

The “accused” passage, reported by The Republic, says: “Countries with an aggressive infection monitoring policy and wide possibilities for laboratory tests (for example, Taiwan and South Korea) seem to offer successful examples of virus containment – he reads – Compared to them, in Italy both the tracing as laboratory tests are very limited and in the end it was necessary to resort to emergency shutdown, measure of blind despair ».

The three authors explained that at this stage, in the absence of precise data, “it is difficult to predict the effects of decisions such as emergency shutdown on the progress of the pandemic. For example, it is unknown whether the implementation of a emergency shutdown leads to a situation where many people can infect others and could lead people to spend more time in close contact with the elderly and the most vulnerable.

Likewise, it is not known whether a new epidemic wave will reappear when isolation measures are removed. There are also unanswered questions about whether the stress and panic of a public crisis leading to severe distress and isolation may have increased the vulnerability of the elderly and frail to a respiratory virus. ”

The committee’s reaction “We will denounce”

“I am amazed by the statements that emergency shutdown an extreme measure precisely before and as a consequence of how the health part related to tampon monitoring was managed ”. Thus the lawyer Consuelo Locati, lawyer of the committee We will denouncecommented on the story. “In fact, this statement can be considered and interpreted as an act of ‘accusation’, in particular identifying and attributing responsibility to those who had the regulatory obligation to intervene and manage the screening and, even before, obtaining reagents for citizen swabs” .

On September 11, the Chairman of the Committee, Luca Fusco, denounced the mysterious disappearance of the dossier. “Italy was not prepared, if not entirely, for an epidemic when the first news came from China,” he said. “Now we have the document. Our team has analyzed all the documentation and today the responsibilities will emerge in a clear and incontrovertible way from a member of the CTS stated in an interview with The Republic that there was no pandemic plan as of January 31, 2020. “

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