The proposal, delivered to the executive in August, foresees the tracking of all the members of the positive environments and up to 400 thousand swabs to extinguish the root shoots. Il virolgo: “An active surveillance system is urgent but with 10-12,000 cases no system can track”
The proposal, delivered to the executive in August, foresees the tracking of all the members of the positive environments and up to 400 thousand swabs to extinguish the root shoots. Il virolgo: “An active surveillance system is urgent but with 10-12,000 cases no system can track”
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In August, the government asked Andrea Crisanti, considered the “father” of the massive swab project carried out by the Veneto region, a study for a “national surveillance plan” of the coronavirus, to quadruple the number of swabs, up to 400 thousand. up to date: a way to deal with the reopening of schools and the resumption of all work activities with more security. “I have not had more answers to my proposal,” says now the director of Microbiology and Virology at the University of Padua.
Keep the contagion curve low
The document indicated “what should be the strategy to avoid a second wave, which unfortunately we are living now” denounces Lettera150, the think tank made up of some 250 academics, created to propose effective solutions for the safe reopening after the closure and promoted by the jurist Giuseppe Valditara, from the University of Turin. In addition to generalized swabs, the plan provided for automatic monitoring of all members of the positive life environments. “Now – says Crisanti – after almost three months, new decrees of the Prime Minister are issued, intended to impact our quality of life and our work activities, patiently endured in the hope that they can help reduce the infection.” However, adds the virologist, “we persist in the error of not asking ourselves how, once the infection is reduced with progressively restrictive measures, we can keep it at low levels. Not answering this question will condemn us to a shift in restrictive measures and a return to normalcy that will have disastrous effects on the economy, education and social life.
“With 10-12 thousand cases, no system can track”
Crisanti, interviewed during the Agorà, in Rai 3, warned: «Living with the virus is bringing it to low levels of transmission in order to maintain a decent quality of life and continue the economy. It is done only by interrupting the chains of transmission, but with 10-12,000 cases a day, no system can do it. And he added: “If the Immuni App worked perfectly and was downloaded by 90% of Italians, today with 10-12,000 cases it should send 150,000-200,000 messages a day and there is no system that is capable of handling this.” With the capacity that we have between 1,500 and 2,000 boxes per day, we can no longer do the tracking. Once the threshold is skipped, nothing works. Lombardy had the honesty to say so ».
The tampon plan delivered to the Ministry of Health
At the end of August, Crisanti had announced that the Ministry of Health had asked him for a study for a national coronavirus surveillance plan. “It all started – he said – from an informal conversation with Minister D’Incà and Undersecretary Sileri who asked me what to do to face the new wave of infections. I gave my contribution of ideas and they urged me to put everything in black and white ». At the end of September the virolgo had stated: “The Ministry’s buffer plan is still under study, obviously they are evaluating various options. After the last Dpcm launched on Sunday night, Crisanti commented: “Containment measures are useless without an organic plan to equip Italy with a system that keeps the number of infections low.