Coronavirus, the controls on the flight arrived in Palermo from London: three positives discovered


Controls with molecular swabs carried out last night on the passengers and crew of the Ryanair flight from London and landed in Palermo, allowed to identify three positives. Two other swabs gave a “borderline” result and will therefore be repeated. The controls were carried out in two phases: the 134 passengers and the six crew members underwent first the rapid antigenic swab (with negative results) and then the “molecular” one. However, they are all in domestic isolation.

“The effectiveness of the double controls implemented immediately by our health organization at the airport, allowed us in a few hours to identify with certainty three positives and two doubts when the molecular swab was detected – underlined the commissioner for the Covid emergency. Palermo, Renato Costa – yesterday, in addition to the flight from London, the work was incessant with 2,999 quick swabs and 3 positives. A work that continues in the interest of the community and of a system that in Sicily is providing a clear image of all arriving passengers ”.

“We remind you – a note reads – that according to the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, all those who are in the territory of Palermo and its province and have stayed or passed through the United Kingdom in the last 14 days, are obliged upon arrival to the territory to the Department of Prevention of the Asp of Palermo to be contacted in the following telephones: 339 2929135 or 366 3485129. The interested parties must also urgently communicate all the close contacts that they have had since entering Italy ”.
