Half Italy is back ‘yellow‘and only theAbruzzo (for now) stay in the red zone. the coronavirus has loosened his grip, but this is not the time to relax because a mistake today would lead to one third wave in January. Now him priority is to lower your back contagion curve, waiting for the start of the campaign vaccine anti-Covid. The slowdown is evident: compared to last week, in the last seven days there have been more than 30 thousand fewer cases which translate into a decrease in 34 percent. But “the number of 20 thousand almost per day it is still too high, “stressed the president of the Higher Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro. Like the relationship between positive me tampons carried out, which in recent days has fluctuated between 10 and 11 percent, remaining stable. Under these conditions, warned the Director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Gianni rezza, when “the measures relax the wave of infections begins again“.
The situation of hospitals seems to improve throughout the national territory. In the last week we have seen an 8% drop both hospitalized in the medical area and patients in intensive care. However, the objective now is not only to let the health system breathe, but also to “go down from the plateau of the second wave to avoid a third wave that leaves benefited“He explained to The impression the president of the Gimbe Foundation, Nino Cartabellotta. With the arrival ofinfluenza, he warned, “in January there is a risk of a massacre“. A concept also reaffirmed by the coordinator of the Technical Scientific Committee, Agostino Miozzo: “We are preparing to enter a phase in which we will have twice the criticality, those with seasonal flu will go to the emergency room, “said a Half an hour more.
Where contagion increases: Puglia
Two regions immediately draw attention to the relationship Between positives and swabs carried out, which on Sunday nationwide stands at 11.5%. I’m there Apulia – where the positivity rate is at 24.5% – and the Veneto that goes a little less worse with a 23.9%. Today’s data allows above all to make a comparison between the number of infections this week (November 30-December 6) and the previous one (November 23-29). In Apulia, the comparison speaks of a drastic increase infections: from November 23 to 29, 9711, in the last 7 days, however, they have reached 11,123. The Region is now in the yellow zone, but the governor Michele Emiliano is considering staying in the area orange the provinces of Foggia me Barletta-Andria-Trani, as well as part of the Murgiana area of the metropolitan city of Bari. “The risks continue very highEmiliano said to his citizens.
The case of Veneto
Also in Veneto the total number of infections in the last 7 days is higher than a week ago: 21,660 against 20.907. For two days the Region administered by Luca Zaia it also registers the highest number of new cases nationwide, surpassing even Lombardy. The governor himself warned on Saturday: “Let’s see what happens these days, it is true that if we still have to do ordinances to avoid the meetings means that there are still people who they didn’t understand. I find it a failure, having to tell people ‘don’t do that because it hurts’ ”. The Veneto data are establish: already in the week from November 9 to 15 infections had been a total of 21,607. The situation has not improved in 21 days. Special attention deserves the situation in Belluno Provincewhere have they been in the last week 746 almost every 100 thousand inhabitants. Is the incidence higher nationwide.
The others: Friuli, Sardinia and Marche
After Belluno, the provinces with more infections regarding population in the last 7 days are Gorizia, Treviso, Udine, Rieti, Verona, Vicenza, Pordenone me Padua. Data that attest that in Veneto, always in the yellow zone according to the parameters of the ISS, the spread of the virus has never lost its vigor. Just as the situation remains critical also in Friuli Venezia Giulia: in the last week they have been checked 5,392 almost, just a few dozen less than the 5,417 of the previous week. Even in Market, where the incidence of positives in the population is, however, much lower, the decrease in the weekly comparison is almost imperceptible: from 2,960 to 2,839. Who registers a increase it is instead the Sardinia: 2653 to 3040 infections verified in 7 days.
The downward trend in the rest of Italy
In the other regions of Italy, on the other hand, the trend is clearly downward. If some go down a bit, like Calabria me Sicily they do about 500 fewer cases in this week compared to the previous one, in Lombardy Instead, it went from 34 thousand positives in 7 days to 23,247: more than 11 thousand less. The weekly trend is also in sharp decline in other regions that have been Red, As the Campania (from 17,420 to 11,600 cases) and the Piedmont (from 16,756 to 11,457). The numbers ofEmilia romagna, where, however, the incidence remains high, as well as in Lazio. Another region that, like Veneto, has always remained in yellow zone – therefore with the most tenuous restrictions – but despite this in the last week it has been registered 12,729 almost against 15,551 in the previous one.