The October 15 newsletter
The increase in new cases of coronavirus contagion continues throughout Italy. Hit today – comes from the usual bulletin of Civil Protection and Ministry of Health – the historical record registered only yesterday: 8,804 new cases in the last 24 hours, compared to yesterday’s increase which was equal to 7,332. It also outlines the number of positive deaths in Covid-19: 83 (yesterday they had been 43, the day before 39). I am today 586 – yesterday they were 539 – people admitted to intensive care units (the day before their 514): +47 in 24 hours, yesterday the increase was +25. There are 92.88 people in home isolation and 5,796 hospitalized with symptoms. However, the number of swabs performed in the 24 hours also continues to increase: +162,932 (yesterday 152,196, Two days ago 37 thousand). The Abruzzo Region announces that it has stolen a case reported in recent days as it has been counted twice. In Sicily, 399 of today’s new positive cases, there are 14 invited immigrants at the Lampedusa hotspot. am 245,964 people recovered since the start of the health emergency monitoring The total number of victims rises to 36,372.
Comparison yesterday and today
The trend of new infections in the last ten days
The Positive Aspects of Covid-19 Region by Region
Here is the data on people currently positive for the coronavirus region by region:
Graphics by Vincenzo Monaco
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